University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Applied 11/27 and still pending… no request for mid-year grades as far as I know. Would they request via email?

Have any accepted students tried accessing their Pitt Outlook email yet? My D22 cannot get into it. All of her emails and correspondence from Pitt have come to her personal email, so she didn’t think of checking her Pitt email until recently. I’m thinking maybe it isn’t available until you commit?!?

Same for my son who applied 11/30 to Dietrich. No request for mid year grades. Really nothing since the initial set up emails and a holiday email.

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Yes, my accepted (and deposit paid) D has accessed her Pitt outlook email and set it up to forward to her gmail. She can also use the outlook app. It was a little complicated at first.


@Thorsmom66 - Please check his document center. My son applied on 12/1 for Dietrich and I have been checking daily his results came out yesterday. No email but the admission letter was in the document center. Good luck to your son.

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Still nothing, but thanks for the tip. Hopefully we hear something soon – his app has been “pending” forever.

We are just leaving Accepted Students Day. As an admissions person talked about the honors open house, she acknowledged that no decisions are out yet and seemed to suggest they’ve been getting contacted about it a lot.
Also noted that they’ve received over 50,000 applications.
My son committed today!


Congrats to your son! Bet it’s a great feeling!

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Congratulations! Hope you enjoyed ypur day!

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Did he get the confetti cannon? :smiley:

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50,000 applications? That’s huge. Last year they accepted a record number of freshmen which has created some serious problems. Not enough housing, not enough space in many pre req classes, challenges with dining halls and shuttle service problems . I wonder how they will handle accepting another record breaking freshman class. Pitt is a good school. My daughter has enjoyed her freshman year, but as a while, I would observe the school is facing some challenges handling student numbers.

Yes! It was awesome - the students who did it were having a better time than my kid!

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I heard about these issues and it was my one big misgiving about the school. But his other choice, University of Delaware, I heard had the same issues last year.
In the end, I kept my misgivings to myself and let him decide. I kind of wanted Delaware (closer to home) but he just loves what he calls the “vibe “ at Pitt. I’m very happy for him.


Whooo Hooo!!! H2P!!!


I actually wrote admissions about the over enrollment this year. Got a very nice response back that they “learned their lesson” after the past two years and will have an appropriately sized class this year.

As for rigor/honors, my daughter is blown away by the intellect at Pitt. In her suite, two girls turned down UVA and one Penn (the Ivy, not state). Kids who want to go to med and law school don’t want to graduate in debt. Pitt will challenge every student.


@Leigh22 , did you and son sit in on the Pitt Honors panel at the accepted students day? We were super amazed at what the students were involved with on campus similar to what @MDmom2021 is saying. Campus leaders, research, volunteer programs. And not just the honors kids, the Dietrich panel as well.

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He did not - we were absolutely starving so we went out to eat during that time.
He doesn’t think he has a chance at honors- I think he does because his essay was really unique IMO. For him, not getting in wouldn’t be a disappointment.
I want to add that of all the tours we did, this time around and with my S19, Pitt was the most friendly campus. I just loved the students.


Same with D22 anout Honors. She knows she fits and can achieve great things with or without it. Good to hear

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really no one has been invited for chancellors? according to the website, should have been early February

“Interview notifications will be sent in early-February and interviews will take place throughout the month of March. Only those candidates invited to the on-campus interviews will be notified. Those participants in the Chancellor’s Scholarship interview process are notified of their final status no later than mid-April. Each year, approximately 15 members of the incoming class are recipients of this competitive scholarship.”


I think honors decisions have to come out first?

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