University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

I may be misunderstanding, but the first two years of many of the health programs are spent in Dietrich. You then apply to the major, and at that point - junior year - are in the rehabilitation and health college which is $10,000ish more.

Honestly, I’m not sure. I’d be interested to know this for sure. Right now my D is going to study biological sciences in Dietrich (deposit paid). She doesn’t have a long term plan made yet… lab work/research? Health care? To be determined. A neighbor of mine is a bio professor at Pitt, I could reach out to him.

I texted him. I’ll post his response

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I always thought freshman nursing students were in nursing and not rehab sciences, but i have no definitive knowledge about tuition. Worth a call

Ok, he says tuition is paid based on whatever school you’re in. So if you move from Dietrich to Rehab, you would then pay the Rehab school fee. If you finish out that major in Dietrich, you pay Dietrich all 4 years. Hope that helps.

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Ok thanks! It is a bit confusing and I might call. My daughter was admitted to Dietrich, under a health related guaranteed admission program. So I think she will transfer to that college junior and senior years, but on second thought am not quite sure if that’s how it works.

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The student stays in the same college for all 4 years of undergrad (unless you transfer colleges which is rare). My daughter is in Dietrich and stays there with the same tuition (except for the minor incremental changes which effect everyone) even after she declares her major in the sciences. Some of those colleges on the list you posted are graduate programs. Nursing students enter in the nursing college and stay there.

It is all so confusing - what program is your student enrolled in right now? I called the campus financial aid office this morning, and for programs like pre health information management you apply to the major and are enrolled in the rehabilitation and health college junior and senior years, and have to pay the higher tuition and fees. I am guessing that it is dependent on the student’s major. For majors that are offered through the Dietrich school, the student can stay in that college. For other majors, you apply to the major, are accepted and transfer to the respective college. In the case of the rehabilitation and health college, you apparently then pay $10,000ish more per year in tuition and fees. Tuition and fees for the other colleges seem to be in line with Dietrich, but the rehabilitation and health one is much higher.

My in state son was accepted in November and was notified 2 weeks ago that he received a small merit award. We haven’t heard anything about honors yet. He was awarded quite a bit of merit from OSU so I do think the public schools use merit to attract OOS students. We haven’t heard about honors at OSU yet, either. Merit awards do not coincide with honors.

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The School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences has their own majors that are considered upper division. So if your daughter/son applies to one of those majors (end of sophmore year) and gets accepted, then the tuition would increase. If the major stays in Dietrich, then you pay Dietrich rates.


Has anyone heard on honors decisions?



Thank you!

Tomorrow. Not sure what time. I know Penn State is 3:30

Anyone get merit today? It’s the last day for it.

Nope. Guess that one’s off the table. My DS really liked it and would probably have attended, but he has merit from other schools that make them more affordable. Based on his stats and what others have received, I would have thought he’d have gotten at least something. Oh well.

Yea, that’s a bummer when it happens for sure

Are the merit letters in the same document portal as the acceptance letter, or somewhere else? Thank you and congratulations to all who have gotten merit awards!!

Exactly the same situation

Yes. The same place.

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