University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Your daughter sounds very similar to my stats. I took 7 APs, but the more challenging ones (ex. AP physics 1, AP Chem, AP Calc). I have a 1390 SAT. I have a 97/100 weighted gpa. Many honors and a lot of Ecs with leadership positions.

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We went to the info session a few weeks ago. They said Pre-Calc or Calculus was required for business school. It was an official part of the presentation - on the Power Point, etc.


I think this link was shared earlier, but sharing again

To increase your chances of admission, the following are recommended:

** A rigorous college-prep high school curriculum*

    • Honors, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and college-in-high-school classes are recommended*
      ** Four years of high school math*
    • Including a challenging senior-year math course such as calculus, pre-calculus, or trigonometry*
      ** At least three years of high school coursework in the same foreign language*
    • This will fulfill the Pitt Business foreign language requirement*

When we attended an admissions tour with my 2022, the AO said upfront that they need to see at least pre-calc/trig or calculus for CBA.


Yeah I’m pretty sure you need to take at least pre-Calc

Yup! Of course mine didn’t do a tour for a business major and most likely didn’t listen clearly when they mentioned that if they did! Oh well! She would not have taken pre-calc regardless and certainly not JUST to get into a school. As I said, she switched her major out of business and asked for reconsideration. Now we wait

When did you ask for reconsideration? That starts the admissions process all over again

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When I looked up the waitlist admission numbers from 2022 it said that only 16 students were admitted off the waitlist. Was that incorrect or was that from a different year?

Has anyone dug into credit for dual enrollment? We are in Illinois and s23 has taken several history and math classes via DE. Where do we find out what transfers?


That was 2021 - that 16 was for 2021. It was referenced on this website:

Pittsburgh Wait List 2026 - Colleges and Universities A-Z / University of Pittsburgh - College Confidential Forums

One person specifically mentions it on a post Jun 22.

I can attest first hand that both Duquense (my alma mater and Finance grad) and RMU (my employer) have EXCELLENT Business schools. Both DUQ and RMU have amazing students and campuses. In all honesty, my D22 may have been happier at these 2 smaller schools than she is at Pitt now. Both DUQ and RMU have cozy communities. I am so shocked at how many of my RMU students meet on campus and get married. They all have thriving careers and families. I 100% stand behind DUQ and RMU’s excellent business programs, alumni connections and job placements.


I also got admitted to Bradford campus and just submitted my appeal! I thought I might as well!

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If you were admitted to Bradford instead of main campus for nursing, you won’t get into nursing at main campus through an appeal. It’s possible that you might get into main campus for another major. The nursing program at main campus is highly competitive. Probably one of the most competitive majors at Pitt.

Unfortunately we aren’t banking on this 
but personally I think my son would prefer a waitlist or denial vs Bradford. He sent out a reconsideration for Main this morning
 good luck :four_leaf_clover:

i am fully aware it is a long shot. I just thought I might as well try.

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You don’t know if you don’t try. It was my daughters top choice and as I told her, do whatever you can handle to try and make it work then you know you tried. Even if you don’t get in, you fought for it.

exactly! I am not getting my hopes up, but I might as well write an appeal letter and just see what happens! The worst that can happen is they say no.


Hopefully you’ve been admitted to other nursing programs. Unfortunately, nursing has become a “hot” and very competitive major at many universities, particularly the state flagships. Many smaller schools’ nursing programs are less competitive and just as good.


Which I find so crazy as I keep hearing there is a nursing shortage

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