University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

many thanks!

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Another step doneā€¦My D23 got the official acceptance letter today from Pitt in her Document Center after seeing Accept/Decline buttons yesterday and was invited to apply to the PA GAP. A personal statement and three LOR are required. :grinning: So, we shall see! On to the next step!


Best of luck with the PA Gap!

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Mom of Pitt sophomore (class of ā€˜25). The video is his acceptance! And isnā€™t it fantastic?! Congratulations. Iā€™m a Pitt grad (class of ā€˜92) and my sophomore absolutely loves Pitt. I went thru the application process with him and am already familiar with the campus, etc. If anyone has questions, Iā€™m here for you. #H2P


Congratulations and good luck with the GAP app!

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@johnmaysf : Did you receive the Medicine supplemental application within the timeframe mentioned below?

Once your application is processed, if you selected ā€œMedicineā€ on your application for admission, you will receive an email within about 48-72 hours that will prompt you to complete a supplemental application for the guarantee. This application requires response to two short answer questions.

Yes, I did and am working on the essays. The deadline to submit them is Nov 1.

You received within 48-72 hours? Mine applied 09/5 and still no info on supplement application?

I mean 09/15

I did not remember when, just know that I need to submit two medical essays. I think you should wait until the end of this month and see.

Thanks. I am not sure what they mean by ā€œOnce application is processedā€. Does it mean after the UG acceptance? I guess we have to wait and watch. Good luck with the next steps.

It means that your UG application is processed by the office.

Meaning that after the office has your submitted UG application in their system.

Ok, My D23 received an application in the review email but did not get any email about medicine supplements yet.

OK. Maybe wait and call them early next month. I heard this program is extremely hard, requiring medical experience, research ā€¦ Does your D23 have all of these?

Yes, to some extent given the restrictions with the Pandemic.

Great. Good luck!

Any accepted students get the cute personalized video they have sent in years past? We have not despite being accepted 3 weeks ago so just curious if itā€™s coming

I remember that awesome video from 3 years ago with my older daughter. Havenā€™t seen it this year yet and my younger daughter was admitted a few weeks ago already. Maybe they are working on a new version? I hope so.

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I still havenā€™t got mine although I got the acceptance letter on 8/31 lol