University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Have there been any admissions to the school of nursing yet? My daughter recently submitted her application :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

There is one nursing acceptance mentioned in this thread. The student was accepted a couple of weeks ago. A student I mentored was accepted today. Her application was complete on 8/29, so it took about a month.


One more question for tonight, just to confirm, there is no where to attach a LOR on the Pitt application correct?

Based on SRAR

Correct. My student’s AO told her to have the recommender email it to him.

Pitt generally does not want to see LOR, except in the case of when special circumstances might need to be explained.

I see this on my SRAR. Any advise what this means, before my submit my SRAR to upitt? I am using the same email id with SRAR as with commonApp and the upitt portal.

Applied 9/25
Created SRAR 9/26
created myupitt account 9/28
currently awaiting to submit the SRAR

You will get email from U pitt to link SRAR and U Pitt. You need to click on that link

Thank you goldy75. Will I get the email after I submit the SRAR or before? Wondering if I should continue waiting or submit in SRAR to pitts?

Once we submitted our app using common app - we got email in few days.
There are few emails you will get. Set up portal access. Email for linking srar and u pitt
We got in 3-4 business days. Applied on 9/21 and got everything by 9/25

We were ready with all data in SRAR and the moment we got srar link - we linked and submitted.

Congratulations first for acceptance.

Quick question - do you simple ask status of your application or you show demonstrated interest in email.

Pitt doesn’t care about demonstrated interest, fwiw. You can call and they’re quite helpful over the phone.

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My accepted student did not send any letters of recommendation with her Pitt direct application because they were very clear on our visit and on their website they really did not want LOR’s unless it was extenuating circumstances that needed to be explained.


At my daughter’s information session/tour, they said that they considered an early application September or before) to be an indication of interest.


Thank you goldy75, appreciate your help

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Did you show any demonstrated interest or contacted them?

No demonstrated interest. My son had contacted them about an unrelated issue about an email he got.
Also as someone mentioned applying early is showing interest.

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@smbayguy @Nemesis_Artemis Did you receive any email confirmation yet? Any update? I am still working on my honors essay. Thanks

Nothing so far and I checked both sites for UPitt. I will wait till mid next week and ask my son to send an email asking for an update.

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Accepted today! OOS Computer Science applied 9/9. Super excited. Love Pitt and seems like a great program.


We just got into Nursing