University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Mine just got an email to take a tour to Pitt-Greensburg. Is that a bad sign?

Not necessarily. I believe the branch campuses do their own PR/recruiting as well.

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I agree- Definitely not a bad sign. My daughter was getting heavy marketing from Pitt-Bradford for some time; e-mail and snail mail. Her acceptance to SCI at the main campus came 10 days after common app submission, so it really meant nothing.

He applied on 9/7, moved to review on 9/12, then on 10/6 he checked the portal and saw “1 To Do”. He clicked on it and it said “send mid year grades”. Then today he got an email saying that they will review the grades and make a decision after
 He’s kinda bummed.
Does anyone have any positive stories about sending mid year grades?

My son is currently a senior at Pitt. He was a borderline applicant and was asked for mid year grades back when he applied. He was accepted about a week after they were sent. It was a bit nerve wracking since he didn’t get accepted until February, but it all worked out.


Thank you for sharing! And congratulations to your son.

rescuemutt, my son’s fiance was also asked for mid-year grades and was accepted shortly after she submitted them. I know it’s disappointing and frustrating but I have hope that all will work out for your son.

How will one hear when merit aid is awarded? Are they notified via email or in the document center on the portal?

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Thank you so much for responding!

It will be ok! What were his stats, just wondering? My stats are borderline and I want to prepare myself lol

For my daughter, it was in the document center. I think notification by email came about a week later. A classmate’s mom posted on Facebook that her daughter has gotten a merit award, so I told my daughter to check. The Facebook humble brag was our first indication!

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He has a 3.8 unweighted GPA, 2 Varsity sport Captain - basketball and baseball. Member of Ambulance Corps. Medical camps over the summers. lots of other ECs. I think what hurt him is that he didn’t submit test scores and maybe that was important for nursing becuase his gpa wasn’t so high.

Hi. Which Facebook page are you referring to? Thanks!

@rescuemutt a 3.8 unweighted is a great GPA!! Plus he has great extracurriculars! They said they are test optional so that shouldn’t matter that he didn’t submit scores.

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Nursing is the most competitive school to get into at Pitt, with the lowest acceptance rate. The test optional decision is always difficult, but regardless of which way you decided a nursing acceptance is tough.

Would his scores have helped him? I assisted a nursing applicant whose scores were slightly under the range. Her grades, classes, and ECs were all top notch, though, so she decided to send them because she felt that Pitt nursing wanted to see scores. She was accepted, but there is no way of knowing if it was because she submitted scores or in spite of it.

If you think scores might have helped, it might be useful for him to talk to his admissions officer. Pitt’s policy is to not reverse a test optional decision once an application is submitted, but I don’t think there would be a downside in speaking with an AO to understand what additional information would be useful between now and when he has his grade report.

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It was posted on the mother’s personal Facebook page. She was announcing that her daughter had received a scholarship to attend Pitt, and it promoted me to encourage my daughter to look in her document center. That’s when she found the award listed.

Thank you! Good luck to you!

Thank you for this great advice. He will reach out. Have you had any experience with any of your clients where they asked for mid year grades? Do you think they will have filled their class before he has them (in Jan/Feb)?

In the past, most kids’ experiences seem to be similar to what has been described here: students who were asked for grades (or scores, before test optional) either got admitted or changed their focus to another school. I didn’t hear of Pitt rejecting those students (doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, though).

BUT, those anecdotal stories were all before Pitt experienced this huge increases in applications, and none of them were nursing applicants.

I have a document that Pitt shared with high school counselors in the spring. Here is what it said about the mid-year report request:

Mid-Year Grade Requests
Might be made when a student has a difficult year.
Question of resiliency.
Discretionary and dependent on when lower grades were and how consistent they’ve been for how long.
When Mid-year grade reports are sent, we will not seek out attendance reports.

That probably doesn’t help a lot in your situation, especially since they don’t indicate what percent are ultimately admitted, but I wanted to provide their explanations for requesting it.

I share your concern about the class filling before they even see the mid-year report. I have no insight into whether that is a reasonable fear, which is why I would want to ask an AO. Even if the answer isn’t what you want to hear, it’s better to know now — particularly for nursing. Pitt doesn’t seem to accept transfer students (either internal or external), so it would be better earlier if he needs to pivot in any way.

I would also ask the AO if he is likely to be admitted to Pitt even if he isn’t accepted to nursing, if that’s an option that would matter to your son.

Thank you so much. This is very insightful.