University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Congratulations to your daughter! That is amazing news!

23 is in!

Dietrich / undecided
3.8 UW
4.2 W out of 4.4 possible
6 AP out of 13 available
Test optional
Excellent essay
Visited in person

Applied Sept 15
Decision dated Sept 28
23 didn’t open portal until today. :crazy_face:


Does one apply to honors in the original application?

I’ll go Google the answer yet I find their website to display info a bit all over the place.

Had you completed fafsa prior to getting merit letter?

No, we hadn’t.

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I just want to clarify though
 you are speaking of your D’s decision/merit last year, correct? I don’t think you have someone applying this cycle.

Yes, that’s correct. My 2022 applied and was accepted last August, then found out in early October about merit.

I have not heard of anyone yet receiving merit from the high school class of 2023.


Ohhhh, OK. Thanks for clarifying!

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Thanks! I thought I had it figured out, but wanted to make sure so others weren’t getting nervous that they hadn’t yet heard about merit. :wink:

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still nervous tho :slight_smile:

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Me too, but I’m trying to tell myself no news is good news. :upside_down_face:

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Just some clarifications about merit. Some people will start hearing soon that they are getting merit, but Pitt doesn’t tell everyone at the same time and it is not rolling in the same way admissions are. Merit notices go out continually until the end of February and when you get one isn’t based on when you applied.

If you don’t get merit, you will not hear anything. You won’t know for sure that you didn’t get merit until March 1. If you haven’t been notified by then, then you didn’t get merit. In this case, no news is not good news.


Yep, I know that from reading CC as well as from their website. I am just saying for the moment
 since Pitt states that they begin handing out merit in October
 that no news is good news. I am sure my blood pressure will rise as time moves forward.

My son’s application page is showing like this, he has sent an email from the help form asking why the page is showing 2 different statuses.

Can somebody please guide us here, we both are lost and not sure what we are missing.

That is normal, and that is for a new application. The upper part is to confirm that your application was submitted. The bottom part showed that your SRAR was sent to Pitt. You are good.

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I know all past experience is anecdotal, but my D was accepted to nursing in state with merit last year with no test scores and a 3.98UW. Don’t lose hope!


Not a bad sign. My daughter started getting emails about Pitt- Bradford and still gets emails and regular mail from Bradford even after her acceptance. It made me soooo nervous and I was starting to temper expectations until she got the acceptance letter. So don’t stress about it.

Does anyone have any insight regarding whether it is beneficial to merit aid wait to accept an acceptance? In other words, have people been awarded merit aid to Pitt after accepting their acceptance, or does it seem like merit aid is used as a tool to try to entice students to attend?

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My DD just got her accept/decline buttons tonight!! Swanson School of Engineering. Applied 9/13/22, 1430 SAT, 4.0UW, 4.8W.


My DD also applied for Swanson on 9/14. Got accept/decline buttons a week back. But there is no communication after that. Not sure accept/decline button means acceptance is forthcoming.