University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

and now there are two different “application complete” applications listed under “application status” One is her application for the business school and the other is the one for Bradford arts and sciences.

That means accepted I think

Did she select Bradford as her second choice campus on her application?
Another thing to consider is if she can transfer to the Oakland campus after a year or 2.

I really don’t know. Do they have to choose a second campus when they apply? She won’t want to go anywhere but main as she wants to try out for one of their teams.

The application asks to put in order which campus they would like to attend. My daughter only filled in Main campus but we haven’t heard back yet. She submitted her application on September 13th. Her friend submitted on the 12th and was accepted to the Bradford campus over a week ago.

Did her friend apply to main? And if so did she get a rejection?

The option is there to rank the campus choices. Like @VAmom231 my kids have only ever selected Oakland campus, but I know the option is there to rank branch campuses too.

She did select main but I’m not sure if she selected Bradford, She thinks that she can transfer after the first semester depending on her grades.

So looks like mine hasn’t heard back from main. No emails or anything in the doc. center either. I’m thinking the screen shot is acceptance to the Bradford campus which she either selected as a second option thinking she had to or they just do that automatically.

Did she get a rejection from the main campus? Mine just has the “application complete” for main.

I do believe that some of the branch campuses have specialty focus areas. Perhaps Bradford has some kind of special focus on Business? I believe UPJ (Johnstown) has something for pre-law. And if a student really wants to get to main campus, 1 semester is nothing! I do not know the specifics about transferring. The same goes for anyone who may get a January acceptance. The time will fly.

Yea ironically the Bradford acceptance says u decided. Not even business.

Can a student change their major if they don’t get into the program they want but still want to get into the school?

Did she apply as a business major then arts&sciences? May I ask her gpa and if she submitted scores? This is a reach for my son but of course you never want a rejection :disappointed:. My son applied business major then arts&science undecided. I think he only put main campus as he doesn’t want to start anywhere else

Mine applied as “business undecided” which is the business school. I assume her second choice was undecided (I guess thats arts and sciences). Her GPA is a 3.51/4.49, test optional. I guess its a reach for her too… but she has extremely strong extracurricular and leadership so thought she has a good chance since they state they look at the whole application.

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Very similar…3.68 and great leadership and community service :woman_shrugging:t2:Guess we will see. Sounds like he may be 3-4 days behind her in hearing.

I have heard of a student getting into main campus, but not into first choice of business school or engineering, and they got into Dietrich

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She would be fine with that… she doesn’t even know what she wants to major in. She “thinks” business.

My son just got in to another Pitt campus not main. He only wanted main.

If it helps, S23 was admitted to U Pitt CBA Main campus as a Finance major with the stats in the same ballpark. U Pitt was a reach for us and we were fully expecting to be deferred with an ask for mid-term grades. I believe what helped was that we applied early (application sent on 09/03, in review by 9/15 and admission on 9/26), strong SAT score, strong ECs & community service, a really good essay and strong grades in Maths. We did not specify a second campus. Also, our HS Head Counselor told us that U Pitt gets inundated with applications starting late Sept, so they will take longer to process applications.

My son applied 8/30 and did SRAR mid September

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