University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Thank you! Dietrich

Applied in September, got accepted in mid Oct (in-state), National merit semi-finalist with good GPA, SAT and ECs. Received full Tuition ride at other in-state college and scholarship elsewhere. But Pitt is first choice.

No news on the merit scholarship yet at Pitt. Any advise on what to expect, should we call the admissions office?

Same timeframe here. OOS. 3.96/4.5, 1560. NMSF. Have not heard anything. CS major may be the “downfall”. Appears rare for Computing school to get anything. Quite a bit going to A&S and Engineering. Disappointing. Maybe they are waiting on Computing school until all apps are in? Who knows.

No merit yet for my CS major son too.

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Accepted end of September, oos, Dietrich, any chance merit is still coming?

I‘m admitted to the main campus and Computer Science major in Computing and Information College.


-4.3 W (school only does weighted)
-1550 SAT
-10 APs
-2 college courses for credit in STEM field (taken during the summers)
-National AfAm Recognition Scholar
-Varsity captain of 2 different sports (not being recruited though)
-A few other extracurriculars in both STEM and non-STEM
-Average volunteering

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My OOS CS daughter received her merit award a little more than a month after her acceptance, and a little less than two months after she applied.

Congrats! Appears she is in very exclusive company!

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Well…she applied in late August…I think that is why she has the acceptance and merit offer already. As it gets later in the fall, I think they get swamped and take more time.

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My DS applied 09/15, was accepted on 09/29 and received merit letter 10/11. I agree as the number of applications ramp up the process might be slower


My son applied for Medicine GAP program. One of the acknowledgement mails, says we will hear from them if he has been nominated to the School of Medicine for review on or before Dec 1st.

Did any of you hear from Medicine GAP program ?

Thats awesome! Outstanding! Very happy and Congrats and Best wishes for success in everything. :slight_smile:

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What school

University of Pittsburgh - Medicine Guaranteed Admission Program.

The process is

  1. Apply for Undergraduate
  2. Invite from GAP program to fill supplement by Nov 1st.
  3. Invite to apply for Med School. Invites are sent on or before Dec 1st with due date of Jan 17th. [My son is waiting for the invite. I am checking if anyone else got it]
  4. Invites to interview
  5. Final outcome.

Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences

Good luck!

My son applied to Pitt honors after getting accepted to Pitt. He applied on the website link. Where can he see if the applications to honors is submitted? We are not able to figure out where to check the status. Any help appreciated.

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If you figure it out, we would love to know too, since my son did the same thing.


Is honors definitely Feb?