University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Today, my son is accepted into Undergrad Program at Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. Keeping our fingers crossed for Medicine GAP next notification on or before Dec 1st.


Is David C. Frederick Honors College recommended to if my sonā€™s plan is to get into BS/MD program ?

Anyone go to admitted students day today? How was it? We are scheduled for in the spring.

We went and had a great time!


My older daughter did the Honors College at Pitt from fall 2018 - spring 2022. She didnā€™t do any of the honors classes. As she puts it, ā€˜regular OChem is hard enough!ā€™. The biggest benefit to her was living in the Honors Dorm with like minded/hard working students. She lived in Sutherland freshmen year and Irvis sophomore (cut short by Covid). I heard it was really hard to get into the Honors college last year. Iā€™m not sure if the requirements have changed, but when she was in you didnā€™t have to take Honors College courses to live there.


Any update on Pitt Med Gap invite?

Not yet.

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Sorry if this has been asked, but weā€™re in a time crunch this week ā€“ is there a specific time on or before December 1st that the honors essays need to be submitted? I think my son is going to need all the time he can get.

End of Day Dec 1st.

Think about Honors program separate from BS MD. Also know that BS MD is a very small number. Great for your student, if invited.

Apply to honors if interested in:
Living with other honors students
Making a bigger university experience smaller
Want access to additional honors adviser, honors events, programs, honors classes (smaller and interesting sections - opinion of my sophomore), early class registration starting spring freshman year, option to apply for research fellowships and study abroad funding.


My daughter had the buttons show up on Nov 16th. I have heard people mention that the acceptance letter will show up in the document center. Can someone explain this a little more specifically? Is the document center the portal or somewhere else? In other words, where should she be looking for this letter?

sseoni75, she needs to go to and login in. Scroll down to Pitt Document Center and click on it. Her letter will show up there. (There has been a delay for most people in receiving the letter after the buttons show up so donā€™t panic if you donā€™t see the letter yet).

Has anyone reached out to admissions to confirm that they received the honors college essay? Or found a place in the portal to confirm that it was received?

Thank you. Ill have her try that.

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Just wanted to updateā€¦ my daughter was accepted to a satellite campus which she didnā€™t want. She applied under business. We were told that because she didnā€™t have any Calculus in high school that that was a big factor. Not sure how true that is. She is debating on what to do. She will not go to a satellite campus. She also doesnā€™t know if she even wants to major in business.

Similar thing happened to my 2021 with Udel. She didnā€™t get a direct admit to their business school but they emailed her and told her if she chose another major sheā€™d get in, which she did and got in. Ultimately she got a direct admit to USC business school and chose there- which is ironic I as consider their business school to be ranked higher. Even more ironic- she realized she hated business and changed her major lol


This seems confusing to me about the calculus excuse. Doesnā€™t the main campus offer calculus as part of the curriculum?

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Have any nursing students been notified of merit scholarships? If so, in-state or out of state? Test optional?

IDKā€¦ but an admissions officer mentioned her not having calculus or pre-calc

When we visited with my current Pitt business freshman, during the formal presentation to high school students, the AO said the most important academic consideration for business applicants was math achievement. The AO said that Pitt expected pre-calculus at a minimum, so that confirms what you are hearing.

Was pre-calculus/calculus available at the high school? I think most selective business programs are similar to Pitt and would want to see calculus, though some may be fine with pre-calculus.

Oh it was available. I just donā€™t have math kids. But now I have a senior in college graduating on time and a sophomore at usc. Neither took precalc and have done just fine. I have a bachelors and have had my own business for 20 years. Donā€™t even remember taking algebra lol
My current 2023 would have applied under a different major. She didnā€™t know it would be an issue.

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