University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

He submitted it on 8/5, we got a notice on 8/12 that everything was complete, and then on 8/16, an email that it had moved to the review stage.


Nothing new in the portal. Still showing the message that he has no applications pending and the accept/decline just leads to a “no information available” prompt. That’s why i’m thinking maybe it’s unrelated to anything and I am just reaching for something!

Pardon my forwardness, may I ask if you are in or oos, and what his stats are? We got the review letter on 8/16 too but nothing else. Mine is oos and applied for the accelerated bsw program.

Nice!! Can you tell us which school your son applied to (ie: engineering, business, etc)?

We are out of state. 3.8UW/4.0W GPA, 1310 SAT. He is applying to Engineering and knows it may be a reach, but we’re remaining hopeful as he loved Pitt when he visited.


Did he have many AP and Honors classes?

Good luck! Hope he (and everyone else) hears soon.


He’ll have a total of 5APs, 8 Honors/College dual-enrollment classes by graduation.


thanks! Same to you!

Thanks for all of this info, hopefulmom23! Maybe your son can call admissions to ask them what the video means. My sons have called with questions and there is a dedicated line for applicants. They have always been very helpful!


From everything I’ve read from previous years that sure does sound like the admissions acceptance video @hopefulmom23. Past years they we said “application buttons” showed up well before the video so that is strange but maybe they’re doing something different this year? My student also went to the review phase 8/16 but it was college of arts and sciences and we have not received anything yet

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That’s where we are and waiting too


Wow congratulations!!! Hope you get an official acceptance letter soon and so excited to know that Pitt has started sending acceptances.

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Nothing new for us too. Got the application in review email last week but nothing after that.

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Can someone help answer my question: On looking at SRAR, how do we enter grades like A, B, CR (due to Covid, some classes were given Credit only).

I assume A is 4, B is 3.

Can someone please confirm?

Each school has different grading systems. You should ask your school.

Colleges will convert and standardize it either way. Most follow the College Board convention. California schools drop plus/minus, etc.

When my son submitted his application the application page shows green checks on all the parts but below it it shows 0 percent done on some of the categories. We got a link to activate the account the next day so does that mean the application went through ok? It’s just so weird that part of the application page shows green checks like everything is good but the bottom says parts aren’ t done. I called admissions and they said I’d have to wait a few weeks to see if things went through.

A few weeks after applying and submitting your application requirements, we recommend logging into the Student Center to ensure your application is complete. In the navigation on the left, choose admissions, then select application status. Select your current application and click the “View To Dos” button in the bottom right. If you do not see any to-dos, your application is in the review phase and you can expect to hear from us via email once your admissions decision is complete.

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Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble, but we got one of those videos last winter.
It was titled "Hey (student) this video is just for you.
text of email:


We think you’re amazing, and we’ve created a video to help you imagine a future at Pitt.

Your story is unwritten, and at Pitt, we’ll give you the tools you’ll need to make that story uniquely yours."

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