University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Yes, I meant Pre-Med Track. I already met with a Pre-Health advisor at Pitt and she shared a lot of useful information.

Best of luck as you begin your journey! You will spend 95% of your time studying as a pre-med at Pitt if you want to achieve the coveted high GPA(3.75+) needed to keep your Pitt GAP offer or attend a good med school.

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Thank you! In addition, I have already been in touch with some Pre-Med Track students as well as students in Med GAP program right now. They have provided me with a lot of information as well including cGPA and sGPA at Pitt.

Helpful info about GAP:
" Students offered the guarantee must complete an undergraduate degree based on course work done at the Pittsburgh campus of the University of Pittsburgh within four years, complete the prerequisite course work, maintain a cumulative science and quality point average of at least 3.75, and engage in undergraduate research and extracurricular activities that provide greater knowledge of the science and practice of medicine. The MCAT will be required prior to matriculation to the medical school only for test-optional candidates entering Pitt as first-year guaranteed admits starting in 2021."

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Yes. Thank you. Pitt sent me all these information last night since I was selected to the second phase. In addition, I already know all these information several years ago when I decided to pursue the Pitt Med GAP.

Congratulations! I’m a Panther too!! H2P!


You can do this. 1 step at a time, like you said. Prepare your application well, your interview well. You are excellent at gathering the details. All the best to you. Keep your focus

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Thank you. I always remind myself of “No pain, no gain”.


My DS applied on 10/14 to Dietrich and still hasn’t heard. His GPA is lower than the norm so he knew it would be a reach. He says he sees the accept/decline buttons but when he presses on them, it still says pending. Would they send a rejection? This is a long time to wait…
Thank you!

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That does seem a little long, but admissions is now saying 6-8 weeks.


My son applied to Dietrich (intending to study Exercise Science) on 10/23 and got the “your application is in review” email on 10/30. Nothing since then. Pitt is a reach for him as well but a top choice and we’re really hoping. Acceptance would be amazing, deferral until first semester grades would be great too. The waiting is just so hard.


We are also impatiently waiting. Applied 10/7.


Good luck to you!!!

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Oh yay, D23 finally got her buttons! :crossed_fingers: Hopefully she will get official notice in doc center soon so she can really believe it (this would be her first acceptance.)

OOS, 4.0 UW, 1510 SAT, 11 APs by graduation. She applied for Digital Narrative and Interactive Design in the School of Computing. Dunno if she’d be eligible for merit with that major and SAT but we’ll wait and see!


Also waiting, applied 10/31.

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Did you get email with GAP credentials yet?

Not yet since today is Sunday. Hopefully tomorrow.

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Same. Application went into review 10/20. Seems like a bad sign?!

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Does your status still say “pending?” When did you submit? It’s still relatively early, so we will see! My son’s application went into review Nov. 9, so it looks like we have to wait a bit longer if yours went into review 10/20 and are still waiting!

Yes “Pending” in the Application Status tab.