University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Hi. How do you know that whether Pitt need your mid-year grades or not? I’m accepted too

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I had my daughter search her email and nothing from Pitt asking for mid-year grades. I went through her portal as well. I did not see a request for mid-year grade.

Finally see the “Accept/Decline” buttons today. Stats for reference:

School of Information Science and Computing (Information Science Major)
OOS (California)
White/Asian Male
4.2W/3.8UW; No ranking in small private school
1500 SAT
8 AP classes, has taken 4 tests so far
Average ECs, science research internship, 4 year varsity athlete, some community service and work
Submitted Common App 10/9, went into review 10/20, buttons appear 12/8
Also applied to GAP. No document or notification yet.


My son applied test optional and was accepted admitted into the business school on 11/1.


How do you know when your application “goes into review?”

My son received an email stating:

“We’ve received and verified all documents required for your application to the University of Pittsburgh, and your application will now move into the review phase with our Admissions Committee.”

He received this on November 7, and hasn’t been notified of anything further.

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acceptance! they also gave me guaranteed admission to the school of public health for a masters program if i want to do that in the future. i’m really proud and thankful, but I am wondering do they typically do this for people who show interest in a certain field? because i’m fairly certain I did not check any boxes asking for admission for a guaranteed graduate degree. just wondering. thank you!


yes, my daughter didn’t mention anything about career or grad school goals but I guess based on her choice off major (poly sci), and maybe her essays (?), the offered her guaranteed admissions to the graduate school for International and public affairs. nice perk, I guess, but I don’t really know how competitive it is anyway, it’s not like med school or law school.


Okay, thanks for your help!

and @blueplaidpjs , yes, Pitt does offer these types of guaranteed programs to students they believe are qualified and desireable candidates without any previous interest being expressed by the student. It’s really a win-win for Pitt and the student without an obligation by the student. Congrats!


Applied 10/16 accepted to school of arts and science 12/7, intended major of math. ACT 36, gpa 3.9 uw. 1 highly intense and specialized main ec


Sorry I know this has been asked but I haven’t been following too closely. My D was just asked for mid year grades. She applied TO. This seems to be common from what I am seeing. So far her senior year grades are very good. All As/Bs in mainly honors and AP classes. What seems to be her chances after this?

thanks!! that’s super exciting!! that definitely gives me a little bit more faith in myself and my applications!

How long ago did she apply before you got this request. We are still waiting to hear something.

She applied 10/16. Just saw it in her portal today.

Ok thanks. We applied the week before still waiting to hear something.

Has anyone received merit aid recently?

Son was accepted mid October. He reached out directly and response was merit decisions continue through March. I guess wait and see. I’ve only seen one CS major receive any $ thus far so not expecting much if any.


Back in 2019 my son was also offered the public health masters guarantee but didn’t apply for that.
He was also offered to apply to GAP med but didn’t do either.
He’s graduating in 5 months and excited to apply to a lot of things different programs, which are fully-funded, around the country.


In the same boat. The website says decisions are available 6-8 weeks from review.