University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

@pydaoud @blueplaidpjs @phemrajani and anyone else who might be wondering/curious about the guaranteed graduate admissions, here are the specifics of how each are determined. Some programs require an extra application and some majors are just automatically reviewed for their corresponding program.

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Can you please share your stats. My daughter also applied to school of public health on Nov 7th, and her application moved to review on Nov 27th. I would like to know how competitive public health major is.

My son wanted Public Health but wrote the school to ask this question. When we toured they mentioned the program had only about 50 students and they were hoping to increase to 75/100. He ultimately applied to Dietrich and is still waiting. Here is the answer:
As a fairly competitive institution, all of Pitt’s programs will of course consider students academic information such as their high school transcript when evaluating for admission. The School of Public Health specifically is looking for students who are passionate about making a difference for communities, and who have an interest in tackling world health problems and threats to population health, like disease or food and water insecurities.

Examples of this on an application might look like community engagement; volunteering at homeless shelters, food pantries, trash clean ups, etc. The Bachelor’s in Public Health curriculum includes community service, so having those experiences prior to applying can really make a student stand out.I definitely encourage XXX to explore their website for more information, and feel free to email with additional questions!

The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, being a larger school with over 90 majors in a broad range of academic areas, will not have such a specific student in mind. Overall, the Dietrich School considers seriously a students academic qualifications and the overall holistic quality of the application - this includes transcripts, a personal statement or essay, activities lists or resumes, etc.


ok 4.35 weighted gpa and 34 act. then for extracurriculars: president of medical/social justice club, school sport for 4 years, various other clubs and volunteer experiences (unrelated to health), and i guess the biggest thing is probably the hs summer internship program + research experience at NIH. also im on the biomedicine track at my school so that couldve been a boost maybe? but im actually looking to major in neuroscience or the cognitive sciences and not public health so im not super sure about competitiveness for an undergrad major in public health. sorry if this isn’t helpful!

oh oops sorry, just reread this and just saw- i did not apply to the school of public health. i applied for arts and sciences. i just got admission for a guaranteed graduate program. but i did not apply to nor get into the school for public health as an undergraduate. hope that clears things up and super sorry for the confusion.

We did submit his SAT scores. Yesterday he got into Caltech so now things have changed. He still wished to apply for MIT.


Caltech > MIT. Congratulations!!!


Received same letter on the 11/7 also. Nothing yet. Getting anxious.

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Pitt does have a “general studies” school. (CGS College of General Studies)
You don’t hear too much about that as opposed to PSU’s ever popular “undecided” track.

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Can someone provide a tutorial on how to use the Pitt portal? With most schools there is a fairly clear wayfinder to figure out what the school has received and what may still be open. I do not see that anywhere on the Pitt portal? Other than linking SRAR, we don’t see if they got transcripts, test scores, etc? What am I missing here?

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In the portal, there’s an icon called “Academics” - click on that and you’ll see “Test Scores” 
 Click on that and you’ll see submitted scores, once they’re loaded.
The “My Information” icon has a “To-Do” icon nested there It’ll say if you need to do anything.
Those are the only things I can offer. Hope it helps!

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Accept/Decline buttons showed up Dec 2. Admissions email on Dec 5. Notice of merit aid appeared in the “Document Center” on Dec 12 – got kind of a generic email on the same day that may not be correlated. Nothing has shown up in the “Financial Aid” tab.

Merit award is $20K/year, which is more than we’d expected.

OOS for Swanson School of Engineering. Applied 10/13 but didn’t finish SRAR until 10/31.

I also agree that the Pitt portal is
 uniquely unique. Outstanding items will show up on the “to do” list. Our kid’s application was complete on 10/31, and he got an email on 11/02 saying “Your application is moving to the review phase”. Accept/decline buttons showed up exactly a month later. But I think this is their busy season and decisions might take a couple months right now.


Does anyone know from past years the likelihood of acceptance after mid year grades are sent? Looking at As, Bs and probably a C (AP class). Taking 4 APs and the rest honors, electives are Accounting and Aerospace Engineering. Thanks

Do they release honor college in February? Or they release you get in first, then they will tell you that you are in honor or not. How does that work in the past?

In the past all honors college decisions were released on the same day.


Anyone apply the week of 10/23 still awaiting an answer? Thx!

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My son applied in late October, and on November 7 he received the email saying his application was moving to review (which, from what I understand, can last from 6-8 weeks). We’re still waiting on a decision.

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My Son applied on 10/18, application was pending status, last Friday 10/9 in portal status went to completed . He is admitted to Swanson school of Engineering. Admission letter email came on Sunday and it official email was uploaded in pitt documents center. I would say you should see something this week or early next week. Good luck :slight_smile:


That is when my son applied, yesterday we received a letter in the Doc Center asking for mid year grades. Additionally it shows up as a To Do item in the portal.

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Interesting. We haven’t received anything like that . . . who knows?

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