University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

It’s a no for us, well they accepted him to another campus, which he isn’t interested in. We’re from OOS.
Applied 10/14
Decision 12/13

Good luck to everyone!!


My son applied 10/23, went to review phase 10/31, and yesterday status changed to complete. No buttons and his document center has a new letter offering him admission to one of the other campuses. Applied to Dietrich. It was a reach but we were hopeful so this is disappointing. Posting so anyone else in the same boat won’t think they’re the only ones not getting acceptance. Good luck to everyone still waiting!


She was notified through the portal. I’m sorry for delay in answering.

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Says pending

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You can always inquire. But they do say merit can come any time until March.

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I figured that would be the case.
She was admitted late Oct into Engineering, and we were really hoping to have an idea of $ to see if it was a viable option, but its just my impatience really.
It is hard to shake the belief though that as more time goes by, the likelihood of $ goes down.

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Same here. No acceptance letter in the Document Center, but we got the “completed” note and the buttons yesterday on the Application Status page. Looks as if he got accepted to Dietrich for applied mathematics. Good luck, all! Fingers crossed for acceptance AND MERIT.


@johnmaysf, is the GAP application glitching for you? Information is not saving/getting lost!

Statistically speaking, the probability of an award may go down some assuming there is a set pool of money that is being allocated. As time goes on, there is less money left and the application has already been in front of the merit committee and not gotten an award.

But how much less is impossible for someone not on the inside to say. Maybe it’s only slightly less probable because they have so many to review and don’t get to all of them each week. Or maybe they are generous early then become more strategic until they get a better picture of early yield or the more of the accepted applicant pool.

I wonder if last year’s Pitt post would be useful in seeing WHEN merit was awarded.

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For anyone still waiting on decisions, we attended a Financial Aid Session on Zoom last night for Pitt, and they said to expect your decision roughly 8 weeks from when your student received the email saying “your application is moving to the review phase” which means my son won’t hear back until early January! :upside_down_face:

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So the pony express takes longer to get to us in the sticks of PA. We just got that PHEAA letter today. I’m also really proud of my kid for this!
But what I didn’t realize is that our local state senator got to take credit for the thing, signed the letter blah blah, like he had anything to do with the whole process. Ugh.
“Dear student” indeed.


My daughter and a couple of her friends got this as well. Nice accomplishment.


My kids are in the same boat.

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I also got one! :slight_smile:


DD got in! Humanities


SAT 710V 570M

4 APs

4.0W 3.8UW

Lots of volunteering and club leadership

Also applied to honors college (still waiting)


Today my kid got an actual thick welcome envelope in the mail that folded out to a cool poster. About time!!


My kid got something in the mail. I won’t know what it’s till he comes back and opens his mail.

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My son was accepted 10/17. Think he got his “poster” last week. Little overwhelmed im guessing.


Yeah, except my kid was accepted September 2nd.


Congratulations! When did she apply? They it will take 8 weeks.

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