University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Naviance is a pain.
So mine did update the SRAR in November when the first marking period grades came out. Her pitt admissions counselor sent her an email saying he saw them.

Oh and we are in NJ too!


My daughter applied 11/8 and we havenā€™t heard anything. Portal hasnā€™t changed, still says Pending. I heard if you apply after October it takes longer, but this is longā€¦

@Lk123456 yes same here. I just canā€™t justify paying $50,000 OOS when sheā€™s had a wonderful merit from the comparable schools but it was also first choice here

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Same. OOS. Acceptance in October for CS. Not looking for a free ride! $10-15k/yr would put us in line with in state option. UMN offered $25k!


NJ yay! He did not update first marking period but I guess he can do that. He wrote the local admissions counselor today so we shall see. semester grades wont be released until Feb 10!

Yupā€¦ seems like forever!!


I can offer some hope. My son applied right about the same time, and he just heard back yesterday. He got accepted ā€“ Yeah!

Good luck to your daughter!


Well mine went from accepted at a branch campus to now waitlisted for pitt campus. Says sheā€™d hear back by June 1. Which obviously sucks.

ETA- Iā€™m confused as they asked for mid year grades and she hasnā€™t even gotten them yet to submit


Yep. She gave him her cell number to call when hos mid year grades were updated


Mine was accepted to a satellite also. How did your child get switched to waitlist for main campus?

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She emailed and asked for reconsideration and changed the major


Truth be told I donā€™t even think they bothered to look at anything after she appealed. I noticed the satellite campus acceptance disappeared and then the Pitt application had the change of major. Within 2 days after that she got the waitlist letter. They asked for mid year grades with the reconsideration and she never even submitted those since she didnā€™t have them yet.


Has anyone gotten a decision from the business school recently? I appears as though they are delayed/behind.

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Would you please share what the original major was and what she switched to? Iā€™m wondering if my son should do the same now that he has first semester grades to submit

This just happened to my daughter. Did this mean declined?

Do the buttons show up at the same time as the portal says application complete? Is there ever a delay?

I wouldnā€™t assume anything until you see an actual result.

She applied under business and got in to Bradford. Her counselor was actually confused so she called admissions and they said it was because of her not having calculus. She switched to undecided which clearly didnā€™t matter. They also donā€™t look at applications holistically as she had an extreme amount of EC and leadership

In fairness to Pitt, and not debating your daughterā€™s specific merits in any way at all, but holistic does not mean all pieces of an application are weighted equally. It means they are all considered. At any school, academics (both rigor and performance) are always the primary factor and weighted the heaviest.


Absolutely but considering her gpa is pretty good and has some challenging classes, her ex and leadership should have put her over the edge. Itā€™s a crap shoot this year! As I said Iā€™m more annoyed the her admissions counselor told her to switch the major and send in mid year grades. They didnā€™t even wait for the mid year grades!

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