University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

To your point, these are some of the counselor notes in the document linked above:

Scholarships as a recruitment tool—i.e., We may offer awards to admitted female students in the Swanson School of Engineering or the School of Computing and Information.
The Academic Profile for each school varies and the Scholarship Profile varies along with it.


We’re in the same boat though mine is a HS senior right now. Sad.

Sorry to hear… my daughter ended up being a National Merit $2500 Scholar, had a 4.0 unweighted (including every single Stem AP), was taking multivariate calculus as a senior, 1570 SAT taken once due to Covid, was also well rounded as a pre-professional ballerina. As I said, Pitt was her safety, but if they had offered substantial merit she may have considered. Where else has your child applied to?

Is there any way OTHER THAN checking their Document Center on the portal to find out whether one has received an merit award? My high stats son was accepted to Computer Engineering (Swanson) about a month ago, and I have been checking that “crappy” Document Center site everyday with no result. Also, where should I check the result of the need-based financial aid?
This is frustrating!


I received an email saying that a new document was added in my Document Center. And then I checked and saw the merit letter.

Good question, my son is in the same boat (same major, too).

If they ask for mid-year grades, and you did good in everything except the foreign language but you’re not failing it, how would admissions see that?

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My daughter was offered $15K merit from Pitt for CS.


This makes a lot of sense—most colleges need to attract more female students to these!

I am assuming you are out of state. My in-state daughter had received $2000 for CS, not nearly enough to entice her to attend.

Had just about given up on merit. DD accepted mid-November. Heard yesterday she got a full tuition scholarship! (Tuition Exchange)


Yes. I think that is usually the way. My daughter receives about $3-5K from Flagship (or similar) in-state schools.


I think you are the ONE! Seriously. Congratulations

My daughter just got $15,000 x 4 = $60,000. We are out of state. I just happened to look in the portal and there was a letter.


Is anyone who applied 12/1 (or the night before) still waiting for a decision?

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When do Honors college acceptances comes out? and does that change scholarship?


Same question

Someone said around 2/15?


For @sb222 and @Josh17


Nope! The SRAR is confusing for kids with block scheduling/semesters/marking periods etc… Mine asked for help to make sure she does it correctly. So what! At least she knows she can come to me and ask for help. And considering we are the ones paying or signing for loans, it does become that much more a reason to help if needed.

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