University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

2k a year? Yea agree. I remember when my older one got 6k from PSU. Everyone was like “wow that’s great, PSU never gives money”. and I was like “um, that barely makes a dent”

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No, honors acceptance usually has no affect on scholarships, outside of the highly selective Chancellor’s scholarship, which requires acceptance into honors.

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D23 Applied on 11/1 and waiting. Applied to the school of computing and information


My older kid, got 5k/yr in 2020. Not good enough to leave Berkeley and other big brands. Now a Junior at Berkeley. Full pay though, No scholarship.

My younger kid, D23 is now waiting for admission decision from School of Comp and Information. Hoping its comes with decent scholarship.


Good luck! Hopefully she gets something but merit for computer science seems hard to come by, at least for in-state students in the last couple of years.


Pitt website says ‘on or before March 1st’ and honors acceptance and merit scholarships are not linked. You might have one but not the other or you might have both.


Does any of the accepted students here attended an Admitted Student Day at Pitt? How was it? We have visited Pitt before (admission presentation and campus tour and a school specific virtual presentation) so I just wonder what kind of program they have for the Admitted Student Day. It looks like a long program (8:30 am - 2pm) Student panel? Visit department for your major? Sit in a lecture? Or is it pretty much the same as the admission presentation + campus tour?


For mid-year grades, in the SRAR, if I have to put in two semesters, do I put in the average of the two so far or just the 2nd-semester grade for each class since there is only one spot for grades in SRAR?

Average of the two so far.

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I have this same question!

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My son was accepted to Dietrich for Applied Math on Dec 15 in-state and we have not heard anything about merit yet. Waiting…waiting…
He got Presidential scholarships (or equivalent) along with all his other acceptances elsewhere, so our fingers and toes are crossed they’ll throw a few grand his way. If they don’t, it’ll be cheaper for us to go OOS to SUNY!

(And yes, that doc center is CRAPPY!)


Congratulations on the acceptances and scholarships! It is always a blessing to have other options.
We came in with a good faith, but the entire process at Pitt has not exactly been pleasant for us. With the sloppy systems they have and the lack of transparency on how things are done even at the front office, we are losing the confidence that our kid would enjoy his college career if we send him to Pitt. Sorry, Pitt. We have mentally crossed you from our list.

The Pitt website, for applications, is not good, and to my knowledge, it has never been good.

My eldest applied to Pitt 10 years ago in April (a year without enough incoming students, and they sent out application packets in April, just before HS graduation). She filled out the application, and everything was fine until the last page - when the “Submit” button did not show up. There was no way to save the application, so started over, and same thing. We then realized it must be the browser, and used a different one, and the “Submit” button showed up. Both browsers were commonly used ones.

She did not attend Pitt, as she had a better place to go for her major. Middle kid went to Pitt, and when it came time to commit and submit the deposit, I entered the info, submitted, and up came a messed up webpage that looked like it was from 1995. Had to call to make sure the deposit went through.

Youngest is a freshman there, and checking on the application was not easy. She figured it out, but it was not intuitive.

Merit has always been a gray area with Pitt. Eldest, submitting in April, got $2K/yr. Middle kid submitted in October, and had a full tuition scholarship a month later (back when these were more common). A friend in her HS class with very similar stats got $5K/yr. We knew youngest would not get anything, as her GPA was not high enough.

I think the application website is the worst part of the Pitt experience - things get much, much better from there - though I understand how it isn’t a great first impression.


Thanks for sharing your experience! I guess we need to be a little more patient with Pitt and see how things will eventually shake out.

I posted something similar on the Penn State thread and thought it might be useful for Pitt applicants to see how the numbers break down in terms of merit awarded to incoming freshmen:

The Financial Aid section, which includes data about merit awards, starts on page 19 of the most recent Common Data Set. Out of a freshman class of 4,868 (H2), 430 students received non-need based merit. That’s less than 9% of the freshman class.

I don’t know any way of discerning what percent of students who didn’t matriculate also were offered merit aid, but this at least contextualizes the relative infrequency of merit awards.

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So disappointing! As an OOS student, it just doesn’t seem worth it…

I am so glad to read this as we thought it was us. Why is it so hard to find a link to the application status on the main website? Eventually mine just logged in and saved the website link to her favorites so she could access it quickly.


Did Pitt release the financial aid offers yet that show the net direct cost after scholarship? If not, when does that occur?

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No; I wouldn’t expect that before March at the earliest. You could maybe check the 2026 thread to see if folks posted about it.


Did you find an answer for this? My DD had the same question. Thanks!