University of Pittsburgh Class of 2028 Official Discussion Thread

GPA 4.06 weighted 3.82 UW. I was test optional (act 24). 2 APSs (both 3’s didn’t submit), and taking 3 more right now. Also took a class at a Local CC and got a B.
President of A club
VP of 2 more clubs
3 jobs
Program at Virginia Tech
Did some research at school
Helped at local church


Got the admissions letter in the Document Center this evening, 10/12. Also got a guaranteed admissions offer to the School of Public Health, which we were not expecting. I assume that is related to the intended major being Biological Sciences.


Congrats :+1:

My daughter’s application details…

Submitted from common app 9/29
SRAR and SAT scores submitted 10/5
Email about application getting reviewed 10/10
Accept/Reject buttons showed up 10/13.

Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. Keeping fingers crossed for the scholarship. Out of State applicant .


When should we expect the merit awards to be communicated to accepted students?

So I believe last year the earliest merit awards usually appeared in the document center on Tuesday evenings/Wednesday mornings, and the first were 10/11-12.

I don’t know of any yet this year, but that suggests there might be some released this upcoming 10/17-18. But don’t hold it against me if this speculation is wrong.

And then most people who were going to get merit got it within one or two weeks of their admissions, at least once they started happening at all, but not always–there were cases of people getting it months later.


Daughter just got in - Dietrich, poli sci (her choice)
3.83/4.1. No test. Great ECs

Application started 9/24
App complete 9/28
Buttons showed up today 10/13

It’s her first acceptance so nice to take some pressure off! :tada:


Son just accepted to Swanson School of Engineering:

9/14 - Submitted Common App
10/3 - discovered SRAR remittance issue. Worked with their IT group to match up with submission
10/10 - email that application was under review
10/13 - accepted/reject buttons showed up

1490 SAT
3.9 UW GPA
Drum Major, Volunteer, Various Leadership roles & Internship @ BioMed firm summer of '23


S24 applied for CS on 8/24. He received an email with “Your application is moving to the review phase” on 10/10 and the application is marked as complete on 10/12. He just found the acceptance letter in the document center today.


Son applied 9/10 via Pitt website
9/12 - SRAR linked to application
9/13 - Received email to activate Pitt account
9/15 - Pitt ID letter in document center
10/10 - Received email that application was moving to review phase
10/12 - In student center portal - under Admissions -application status marked complete and accept/decline buttons appear within Accept/Decline admissions
10/13 - Received admittance letter in Document Center.

Applied Dietrich, Undecided
3.67 W GPA
Test Optional
In State


DS applied 9/23 via Common App
9/23 - CommonApp submission (Pitt ID letter a few days later - can’t remember exactly when)
9/29 - SRAR submitted
10/12 - In student center portal - under Admissions -application status marked complete and accept/decline buttons appear within Accept/Decline admissions
10/13 - Admission letters in Document Center

Applied Dietrich, Pre-Pharmacy guaranteed (each with separate admission letters)
3.8 UW GPA
1460 SAT
Out of State (NJ)


Student received an email on 10/10 that their application moved to a new phase in the application process.

Decision was then posted on 10/13

CA submitted 9/27
Guidance submitted their documents 9/29
Received portal link 9/29
10/10 email came that application moved to new phase
10/13 decision/buttons posted in portal

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hi everyone!

I submitted my application on 9/27 through CommonApp, had 0 ToDos, got the “your application is moving to the review phase” email on 10/10, but then got a ToDo for the SRAR (which I mistakenly thought was the same thing as the grades on the CommonApp), and completed the SRAR on 10/13, still have the ToDo there though as of today (10/14) but I did submit the SRAR. When do you guys think my decisions will be out? Because I have been seeing quite a few people get in already, however, I was missing my SRAR. Will they treat my application as if it was submitted on 10/13? Thanks!

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I think you join the queue once all your materials are in. As long as you used the same email account for your common app and your SRAR, they will be able to link them up, and then it will go to review.


Finally submitted. Will I be sending four more years of checks to Pitt?!?!? We’ll see

3.75 UW / 3.96 W
1380 SAT
6 APs
Major somewhere in the humanities


Log in you SRAR and check. You should be able to see the activity that your Academic records sent to Pitt and it should also shows Complete.

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Hi @Winky1 ! I’m a high school senior currently being considered for the Stamps Scholarship. I noticed your thread from a few years ago detailing your child’s interview process. What advice do you have/does she have for the first round of interviews via Zoom? How did she stand out among other applicants? Were there any “curveball” questions? Thank you!


Double check to make sure the same email was used for SRAR and Common App. My son did not and he had to email their support to “match up” the two in the Pitt Admission system.

It was taken care of in 2 days and then his app went in for review.


@Lasc28 , First off congratulations! You have already surpassed thousands who have applied. Only 90 are interviewed on Zoom. This is why it is so important to apply early at Pitt or anywhere that has very large scholarships if a student intends on applying! You will be interviewing in early, Nov, correct? Some rock star kids are just waking up and considering applying to Pitt!! Congrats. I looked up that old thread, and it shows my genuine excitement during the process. I won’t share exact questions out of respect for Mr. Roe Stamps and Pitt. But I will say this - the scholarship at Pitt is about global and domestic leadership potential. How does that relate to you? Why did they select you to interview? Know everything about yourself that Pitt and your PA Scholars Application has already revealed. Then, think some more! What about your interests and desires and goals relates to the Stamps Scholarship? Also, why are you attracted to the University of Pittsburgh? In other words, “Why Pitt”? Know your why. Any questions reveal the kind of student and person the candidates are. It is all well run. My D also did mock interviews. Many with many people. She prepared well and was able to articulate specifics about herself. Qualifying for this scholarship or any high stakes scholarship is not something you can fake. It has a purpose and candidates fit that purpose or not. And they can be brilliant and not fit the scholarship purspose. Be you, be genuine, and prepare well. Best of luck, and please let us know how it went! H2P!!


Mind sharing your stats and some details around your application timeline that then led to notification of being considered for the Stamps Scholarship?

You got this!!!