University of Pittsburgh Class of 2028 Official Discussion Thread

Applied to Dietrich 10/21. Application in Review 10/27. Have not heard back.

My kid applied 10/8 to School of Computing and just got accepted 11/10. His application was a little goofy though so we weren’t sure of when it would be reviewed, so I didn’t tally it with most Pitt applicants.

You will hopefully hear soon, I just assume there’s an avalanche of applications before 11/1 for Pitt, with so many students doing ED/EA elsewhere.

He had SAT 1550, OOS, GPA 3.9 UW with 12 APs from a tough private. So weighted was 4.4.

His ECs are ok. Still waiting on merit.

U pitt site says application pending. Does it have to say application under review before being completed ? or does it go from pending to completed directly?

it will go from Pending to Complete. When it’s under review, application status will still show Pending.


3 weeks and counting…


Those stats aren’t goofy at all. congrats!!!

My DS just got accepted into Pitt Business !!

Applied Oct-9th
Under review pending Oct-16
Accepted Nov-15

3.6 GPA
5 APs and 6 Honors
Lots of ECS
Job as HS tech manager
Test optional but sent the scores 1310 sat
Awesome essay
Has her own band and been to Disney band shows


Just received Accept/Decline buttons.
Applied 11/1
All Materials Received 11/6

In State
3.5 UW/4.2W
1390 SAT
Really Good ECs (Leader of big organization, research, leadership, sport, etc)
Pretty Good Essay (Never got it checked but I think it was a decent essay)
Applied Dietrich as a Data Science major
Showed Demonstrated Interest, Dad works at Pitt.


S24 accepted - Undecided

Applied Oct-20th
Under review pending Oct-26
Accepted Nov-15

4.0 GPA
1420 SAT
3 AP
10 Honors
2 Varsity Sports
Eagle Scout
Part time job



Congrats! I did not realize Dietrich has a Data Science major. How does it differ from the data science major in the school of computing?

I looked at the 2023-2024 catalog and compared the two. They appear to be exactly the same and it is in fact described as a joint major. The version of the major on the School of computing page even talks about Dietrich students needing to conform to the writing requirements of their home college.


Yep! Exactly right. That was one of the main reasons I chose data science–didn’t know if I wanted to fully commit down the Computer Science route so I opted for a major that has the flexibility in the Dietrich school :grinning:


Accepted this morning (11/16) UP Campus!!!
Applied 10/16 to the College of Information & Sciences
OOS, 98.62 Weighted, 8 AP/ 2 Dual Enrollment
SAT 1420, but switched to TO when found out UP does not Super Score.
Strong ECs and good essay.

Test Optional Button did NOT disappear and is still on the page with the acceptance. We just kept obsessively checking :).
Good luck everyone!


I meant to post the above on the Penn State forum! My apologies, we’ve been checking those two schools constantly. How do I delete this post since I posted for the wrong school? So sorry for this mistake!

Still waiting for Pitt (applied 10/11/23)!!!


Are you sure they don’t superscore? On my son’s testing section they have his individual scores, but also his highest in each section separately that were from different dates.

Yes, Pitt does Superscore. My apologies, I went to delete my first post because it was for Penn State! I’m so sorry for the confusion, but I can’t figure out how to delete it!

To edit or delete use the edit icon under the post (pencil and box)

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Personalized video finally came… two months after acceptance. D24 got a kick out of it!


Where does the video appear?

They sent the link through email