University of Puget Sound Honors program

My daughter learned today that she was accepted to the UPS Honors Program. Can anyone share experiences? Opinions? She is a science-oriented kid who has also done well in humanities classes in high school. I’m interested in hearing about the overall experience in the Honors Program. Thanks!

I’m traveling - is there a way to check honors application results online?

@mikanpater, not that I’m aware of. This is speculation on my part, but I think honors program acceptances were included with the rest of the big acceptance packet that went out last Thursday (or, if you got an early admit a few weeks ago, with the financial aid info). I think they haven’t yet sent (or at least we haven’t yet received) honors program rejections – though admissions tells me that they will let kids know definitively one way or the other at some point soon. I think they didn’t want to include any downer news with what otherwise was a very happy packet. But my supposition at this point is that if you didn’t get an honors program acceptance with the rest of your packet that no news is probably not good news. I could be wrong, though. Time will tell.

I can now confirm that the hypothesis in the above post was correct.