University of San Diego Class of 2027 Admissions


Is merit aid noted in the portal somewhere, or by separate email? Portal still not updated.


She actually already accepted her admission at Chapman so we are all set :slight_smile: She didn’t connect with USD so it all happens as it should :slight_smile: congrats to all of you!


What is your daughter studying at Chapman? My son got accepted there as well.

That is what my son’s portal says.

Admitted Daughter’s stats

UW GPA 3.95
W GPA 4.25
5 APs/10 Honors
Out of state
Not a lot of school-based ECs, but heavy community-based service.
Captain Club sport for 4 years
Alcala Award Recipient/25k per year

My D23 has not received anything yet.
OOS, Psych major. She is also in at Chapman.

What state? Wondering if they are releasing decisions by region.


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Curious what did others who were accepted receive? We received first email regarding application status having been updated with link to acceptance screen, and second email/ letter from admissions confirming acceptance. Nothing yet regarding merit or financial aid offers. Did that information come in the acceptance letter or separately? Thank you!

My friend received an email an hour later with the merit offer

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When should the other acceptances coming out? I know they said next week, but does anyone know what day? OOS from Texas and haven’t heard back.

USD is high on my daughters list, but she hasn’t heard anything yet so I took a look at last year’s admission thread. It looks like admissions were sent out in batches over the course of the month. Forum participants who talked to admissions said that they can only release acceptances in waves (“it’s a systems issue”). Additionally, USD twitter says that admissions will be rolling out in the coming weeks. We had high hopes we would hear with others but it looks like we need to be patient. Looking at last year’s post there were kids who received their acceptances all the way to the end of March. Sigh. This is one of 11 acceptances we are still waiting for in March and April. Hope it comes soon!

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Thanks for posting this… My daughter is waiting, too, and it’s so very hard. I really wish we knew the logic for the releases… is it by submission date? A candidates ranking in desirability? It would be so helpful to simply know the guidelines. The waiting is tortuous. My daughter is in the same boat as yours… so many colleges left to hear from. Has been accepted and received some very generous offers from quite a number at this point, but the ones she truly wants, that best match her future plans, are still at large. :-/

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My daughter also received merit aid letter emailed about an hour or so later. We are in-state.

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BTW - We are from WA.

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It sounds like they started with west coast admissions first since most people were either accepted in state and if they were out of state they were in states surrounding CA. Read last years admission page and they thought Honor students were admitted in the first wave

Hi! She is a communications major and theater minor … We just loved that school and the town is sooo cute!

It’s smaller (8000), we met really great kids there, not a huge party-til-u-puke vibe which we found at SDSU, small classes, teacher relationships it’s super safe to walk around and it was just a perfect fit for her!

My son would have hated it lol, so each kiddo is different, but we finally found her perfect fit! (12 college tours later, lol)

How about yours?

my daughter received her merit notification for alcara in the same email as her acceptance notification last night

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My daughter got in and was offered Alcala scholarship (25k). She also received top scholarships at LMU and Chapman, and a couple schools back east as well. Since they all have similar costs and they all offered between 25 & 35k in merit aid, its a tough call.

She was very excited about Univ. of San Diego initially because of the study abroad and their campus is gorgeous, but I think LMUs honors program guarantees housing for 4 years - which is a huge beneit. Since these schools are comparable, I imagine others on here applied to some of them as well as USD and I would love to hear your thoughts on how they compare.
My daughters stats
GPA UW 3.9, W 4.8
SAT 1440
Gold Award Girl Scout (rank equivalent of Eagle scout for boys- but a lot more work)
over 2,000 hours community service (many awards)
Founder and leader of astronomy club (also won grant from NASA)
30 dual enrollment credits
5 AP classes.