University of San Diego Class of 2027 Admissions

Son waitlisted. He’s now officially heading to the southeast for a SEC experience which is likely more his speed (:football::stadium::mega::tada:). Congrats to those accepted!


Daughter accepted earlier this week. We are from WA. 4.0UW and 1520 SAT. AP’s and Honors. International DECA competitor, community volunteer, FBINAA Washington state delegate. No mention of merit yet.

Still no portal change.

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Same here. Son rec’d email of acceptance Wednesday afternoon. Maybe they are having trouble with the portal.

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Looks like portal just updated and now there is an Admitted option below Applicants. Still no mention of merit…

The Instagram message said any merit would be in the acceptance letter. We got nothing so I am not thinking there will be any for my son. It seems they either give $25k, $18k, or nothing. A strange strategy for such an expensive school. My son got money from higher ranked schools so this may not be an option.

can you link that post… I can’t seem to find that.

Same here. No merit takes it out of the running for him.

Not sure if I can link it, but if you search for USD admissions, it is in the post.

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DD accepted and offered $25k merit scholarship. 4.9 WGPA/ 3.89 UW. 5 AP’s, 6 DE Great EC’s, leadership roles in two clubs, founder of regional club, over 1k hours community service, part time job for 2 years + Girl Scout Gold Award (equivalent of Eagle Scout). in her acceptance letter she was invited to apply for their Honors program (most of her acceptance letters include similar invitations) however I don’t see a huge advantage to USD’s honors program, while others schools honor programs offer great perks.
That said, the campus is beautiful and we all really like the area, so it is a contender.

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For folks admitted - where do you confirm they accepted you in your major of choice? Can’t seem to find it in letter or portal. Thanks in advance!


Does anyone have any information about the waitlist? My daughter accidentally deleted the email and there is no update to the portal and admissions isn’t responding.

My daughter deleted her email about being waitlisted. Does anyone have any information on actions that need to be taken?

There’s a waitlist response link at the end of the email which needs to be completed. You should see if your daughter can check her deleted email folder.

Are applicants still waiting for admission status updates?

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Bummer it deleted completely. We have reached out to her state admissions counselor. Wish us luck.

Lots to think about

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How do I delete a response?

Don’t forget to look for your financial aid offers! Daughter did not receive merit but just opened her financial aid award package and she received a VERY generous USD GRANT!!! This actually makes it doable for us. Good luck!

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If you sent it a FAFSA by priority deadline, check your financial aid offers for need based grants. We just received a very generous grant (more than highest merit award) that now makes this doable for us.

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