University of South Carolina Deferred students

My DD was deferred under DMSB Marketing major. Should I have her switch her major to a non popular one in hopes of her getting off the waitlist in March? And will it be hard to transfer back into the business school/ change majors?

She needs to have a 3.25 and take college level calc.

If it were my kid and I’m risk averse - I’d go to the sure bet - and find another school. In the end, I think studying what you want trumps studying where you want - just my opinion.

Lots of places she can study marketing. Still a lot of great schools one can apply to. Going to U of SC would be an unecessary risk.

Best of luck to her.


Has anyone talked to admissions to see what the chances are for deferred students? My DD was deferred and her classmate got in to the same major and my daughter’s stats are higher and they have pretty much the same ECs because they are on the same teams and were both captains. Also, her other friend was denied at Alabama and got into USC and definitely has lower stats but not sure about her major. If it made sense, it would be a lot easier to accept.


Are you instate of out of state?

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We are OOS

2 Nephews deferred OOS, one great grades, TO, one not a great student, not great scores (applied to start 2019), both got in. No idea of the current calculus where places like UGA, Clemson are dealing with 50,000 EA applications, and I heard USC applicants are 90% over last year. My kid got deferred from UGA and Clemson and was asked to apply to Honors College at USC, but has yet to check portal because we just assume no answer until March. Since no portal check, I guess we just figure it out later

Since they only applied to 6 schools, I have told them to maybe re-look at other schools and apply for regular decision in Jan. The other schools they applied to don’t release EA until mid/late Jan, so best to apply before then. Wants Southern school with big sports

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USC Honors College decisions went out yesterday

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by mail or portal?

My bad, it was Auburn HC. Still waiting on USC. Sorry for the confusion!!!

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@marshamllow_493 You do understand she is not waitlisted, they just require more time to review her app. My DD also deferred USC and Auburn. Unfortunately, it sounds as though everyone wants SEC schools, so apps are way up. 4 years ago, my son applied EA to all his schools, and deferrals were not a thing…
DD23 also applied EA to UTK and they actually posted info detailing how large of an increase in apps they received and that now they will have 2 EA decisions. 1st round is acceptances and deferrals.
I’d keep her major as is.

My recruiter from University of South Carolina, last year actually told me to change my major from Business to something else so that I would have a better chance since they take such a small number of Business majors each year. I did not change because I know I want to have Business as my major and if a school won’t accept me with that major than it wasn’t meant to be. I was deferred and I hope this round I will get accepted but I have choices so I am ok with whatever happens.


Wondering if anyone has heard on deferred decisions yet or if they wait and notify everyone at once??

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our last email from them said it would be in march


Did anyone else get an email to set up the log in for financial aid? I thought it was odd, since my son was deferred and most other schools didn’t even mention financial aid until acceptance. But I’m wondering if that means decisions for deferred applicants are going to roll out soon?


There is still time to get an application in to LSU. My son is leaning towards big southern sports school too. Deferred at SC, waiting for decision from Tennessee (we applied RD), and accepted at LSU. Rolling admissions, we applied right before Christmas and got an answer earlier this week.

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When did you receive this email?

Yes I did. I thought it was weird too.

Yesterday morning

My son just did today. We thought it was odd too. Have you heard anything as of yet?

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My daughter just got the set up your Financial Aid email. Have we determined if this is going to everyone deferred?