University of South Carolina Deferred students

I am guessing mid to late April for the first wave. I noticed they released NSO dates and registration. You can only sign up if you have committed. Maybe this will help give them a sense of who is really coming.

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Has anyone been admitted off of the waitlist yet?

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Do you know if any releases were done on waitlist?

I know of two people that have gotten off the waitlist already. I am sure there are more though.

I have only heard of one. I would think it would be the next couple of days if anymore get off. Thanks for the answer.

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Anyone see anymore WL movement?

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My son received an email yesterday saying that the business school is full and if he wants to remain on the waitlist he needs to change his major.

Mine also received an email that basically asked if mine wanted to continue to be on the waitlist and that basically all spots were filled and the chances were slim they’d have any spots to offer anyone.

Just realized mine has never heard from them. Last email was that she was waitlisted. I would think they’d have sent an email at some point saying she was rejected.

That’s the email when you are out on a WL. Reality is that’s a rejection. It’s not great how most do it but you typically only know if you come off. Some do but few write if you don’t.