University of Vermont Early Decision/Early Action Fall 2023

It’s weird that they don’t send anything when they accept students since I’d assume they want students to pick them. It’s also weird that when she accepted the offer they still haven’t sent anything.


I know UVM accepts a number of students for second semester (January starts) and they are offered study abroad opportunities. I don’t think you are required to study abroad though, you could do something else. I also doubt that it is true that they returned with no housing- freshmen and sophomores are required to live on campus and the school provides housing for all of them. They count on a number of students transferring or dropping out halfway through freshman year and that is why they do this- those rooms then open up. In any case, you would find out at time of admission if you were accepted as a January start.

Also surprised she didn’t get something - her stats are higher than my daughter’s and she got 15k/year. She did write a terrific (my opinion) UVM essay. Maybe the undecided did have something to do with it?

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You are not required to study abroad. January start kids can do so for credit if they want, but they have other options for the fall too. They can work, take summer and fall credits at a community college or UVM professional & continuing ed (the credits transfer). No need to go abroad for credits in gen ed requirements. Summer classes are cheaper too.

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Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Her essays were good so maybe undecided was the key.

First year housing question: some schools incentivize committing to their school early, by linking date of paying deposit (and filling out forms etc) to your student’s place in line/que to select housing, where as other schools do not have benefits related to committing early. Anyone know what UVM does? I’m trying to look across schools my D23 has been accepted to, and identify if any incentivize committing early (so far, most of hers don’t) and I can’t tell from the language on UVM’s website whether they do or not. Anybody know? Thanks in advance

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UVM does not incentivize depositing early. They require students to live on campus freshman and sophomore year. They have a deadline for filling out the housing preference forms, but then all freshman are in the same boat from there, with the exception of honors college students, who are automatically housed in University Heights. I think LASP students also get UHeights as well, but someone else might know better.


LASP has moved around- 2021 they were in L&L but are somewhere else this year. But yes, no real rush on housing- it definitely is mostly luck. There is a lot of complaining about housing and overcrowding at UVM (and some of the triples are quite small) but I don’t think it is really that bad- the campus is not that spread out, even the dorms that people complain are far away aren’t really that far.


Totally agree. My ds has been on Redstone both in the dorms and in Redstone Lofts, and he says he loves it and doesn’t mind walking. He just takes the bus when he’s running late or feeling lazy :woman_shrugging:.

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Accepted with Presidential Scholarship but not Honors college. Given the spike in crime and violent crime in particular I am not sure I will attend. Anyone currently attending have thoughts on that?

Can u elobirate

Two murders, a kid getting beaten unconscious last week, crime rate rise, Town government admitting that cutting the police funding was a mistake, Off duty cops in Uniform and In their patrol cars working overnight shift at Essex condo community to provide security at twice their salary. I set up a news feed from burlington in google news and this is just the stuff from this month… So yeah, I am concerned.

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Crime seems up since the pandemic.

I think the same could be said about any college town these days and for that matter any city in America


I agree. We try to do our best to choose a safe town yet all will have risks.

UMD stills gets students even though nearby DC had 485 carjackings last year. Those are just the reported ones.

That doesn’t include the carjackings in Maryland, which borders DC.

And then the shootings…I won’t even go into those or how many times the banks are getting robbed.

Report from local news here. Highest number of homicides since 1960.
Student quoted as saying they feel safe on campus but not in town.
Mayor, progressives differ on plans to curtail Burlington crime uptick – The Vermont Cynic

My student was accepted EA in December, then got a January invitation for the Honors College which includes a specific application with a couple of short essays. Not sure when you get a decision.


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There were five homicides in Burlington according to the article you shared. Up from zero.

I can think of more than five around where I live for 2022.

Maybe Europe would be better. Fewer guns there and better social safety net.


Thank you so much for sharing info about the UVM admitted student receptions. We attended one and found the event so helpful!