University of Vermont Early Decision/Early Action Fall 2023

i will take some of the brownies and cookies if you don’t mind me, haha!


This is on their instagram so does that mean Monday


The instagram one is set for 12:00 am. Might have been a mistake on their part. I think 5 pm is the correct time.

yup! they said the 20th at 5pm EST!

That makes sense.

I’m glad at least that they are communicating directly with the students now. I’m glad to have this group to be biting my nails with even though there’s nothing we can do.


Folks - i’m a glass half full person…perhaps there is no missing digit, but a misplaced comma, and that should have read “last year, University of Vermont admitted 1,695 of the 1,816 who applied early action”? I mean, that would make me feel a whole lot better haha :rofl:


haha I hear you! What state are you in (did you get snow?)? We are in Buffalo and supposed to get some tonight/tomorrow. Our daughter is flying back from Boston tonight (she’s in her last final exam right now and then she will be done with her first semester in college!)…her flight is already delayed oy…

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Wouldn’t that be nice? But @gocatsgo97 said there were 18K ED and EA apps this year. How many total apps are there every year? How many freshman seats are there? I guess the blessing and curse of my daughter having finals next week is that she’ll be very busy studying this weekend.

Applications have spiked the past two years, which is one reason they added ED. Last year, there were 18,000 EA applications out of 30,000 total according to my child’s admissions rep. The overall acceptance rate was around 60% and the rate for EA is higher so the 1,695 is wrong. Their yield is only around 18% so they have to let in a lot of students to fill out the first year class.

Any idea how much higher the EA rate is? I read something about UVM early acceptance rate in 2021 was 59%. Their overall acceptance rate is 64%, so I was feeling discouraged.


for the class entering in the fall of 2021, the EA acceptance rate was 79%. I haven’t seen it for this year’s first year class. The 59% is the overall acceptance rate for this year’s first year class and the 64% was the overall rate for the class entering in fall of 2021.

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If they need 2,500 kids and their yield is 18%, they need to accept about 14,000 kids. (Not being pedantic here; just thinking out loud). But ED changes all that so :person_shrugging:t2:

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For the incoming class in fall 2021, they admitted just over 16,000 between EA and RD according to the common data set. And, yes, ED will change that, but not knowing how many ED applicants they got, it’s impossible to guess by how much.

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We’re in NYS too — Capital District. We got about 9". Sadly, no cookies since power was out most of the day, but tomorrow’s another day. Congrats to your daughter on finishing first semester! Hope she’s home safe and sound!

Just curious, did most of your kids apply ED or EA? EA here.

ED here

I did EA!


ED here

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