University of Vermont Early Decision/Early Action Fall 2023

Everybody here is obviously very interested in UVM. What other schools are you (or your kid) seriously considering?

DD applied EA. Besides UVM she is considering Villanova, Ithaca and Queens U. in Kingston ON.


Mine did EA. Also on list: UNH, UMAINE, UMASS-Amherst, UCONN, BU & Northeastern. (Pre-Vet or Marine Bio)

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i have my entire list on my separate chance me thread, but i have the likes of Williams College, BC, Brown, Northeatern, BU, UMass Amherst, Middlebury, etc on my list.

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My daughter did EA. I think she would have done ED but the admissions rep who came to her school said she didnā€™t think it would change the outcome. (Not sure if thatā€™s good?) Also, we live in CA and while we wants to go to UVM so badly, sheā€™s never been there in the winter. We visited in April last year, so sheā€™s being cautious with EA. Iā€™m 100% certain if sheā€™s accepted sheā€™ll go.

Her #2 school is Western Washington (accepted). She also applied to Penn State (accepted), UDel (accepted), Oregon State (accepted), UNH, UCONN.


If she liked Vermont in mud season, sheā€™ll probably like in winter! :slight_smile: Still, probably wiser to do EA in general.


Our take on this sort of thing is that thereā€™s no lifelong commitment required. Go and try it out. If you love it and thrive, awesome. If you donā€™t, look for different options. That took an enormous amount of pressure off our son when he was deciding to go to MA but had originally planned to stay in CA.

Daughter applied EA and also applied to UWMadison, UVA, Lawrence U, already accepted at Clark and Loyola Chicago. International student and says she likes cold. Yikes. This is high on her list!

I applied ED. If I donā€™t get in to UVM then Iā€™ll apply to Champlain College and then some colleges in Maine. UVM is the only college Iā€™m really crazy about, but Iā€™m trying to keep neutral expectations about whether I get in or not.


:crossed_fingers: Iā€™m rooting for you!


My kidā€™s list is long, but his top choices (and the ones heā€™s still waiting on) are UVM, UMass Amherst, UNH, and UCONN.

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Applied EA. Also applying to UMD, Elon, UNC, BU, and some others.


Applied EA - have ~20 colleges on my list but a lot of Ivies and northeastern LACs. Yale, dartmouth, bowdoin, williams are some of my other top schools

My ds20 is at UVM but was in love with UMD. He got in with no merit, however, then Covid hit, chose a different school, ended up transferring, etc, etcā€¦ It all works out in the end because heā€™s found his home at UVM, but UMD will always have a special place in his heart as his ā€œWhat if?ā€ school.

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We visited in early May. If she is accepted I hope they offer admitted student days in February or March so she can get a sense of winter in Vermont.


Same here! The week we visited it was beautiful! My California girl needs to see what winter is like!


I went up to pick my kiddo up for break yesterday, post Friday into Saturday snowstorm. It was gorgeous, but Iā€™m also a New Englander so Iā€™m not objective, lol. But seriously, itā€™s such a pretty campus and city in any season, but you do have to be mentally (and sartorially) prepared for the long winter!


I thought tomorrow was the day and then realized itā€™s not until Tuesday! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I was feeling so excitedā€¦


Only one more sleep until decision time!! :joy:. My son applied ED. He absolutely loved UVM (we toured in July before dropping him off at Camp Dudley, where he was an assistant leader for second session.). Dudley is his happy placeā€¦I think UVM could be that for him too, but we shall see. He has no other applications in right now (donā€™t get me started on that) but if this doesnā€™t go his way, heā€™ll likely apply to Clarkson and Lehigh this week- possibly UNH (my alma mater!). Heā€™s interested in engineering.


Thatā€™s a lot of eggs in one basket! :anguished:

(UNH alum here, too). :slight_smile:

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