University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

I think this means he’s in.

Are the people who received the email in-state? It’s possible all the in-state applicants received it.

We are OOS and received it. But DS selected he is okay with other campus in the common app.
I thought others who got this email should have picked that option.

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Seems as if everyone who checked off that option on CommonApp received the email so it’s nothing we should all really worry about.


If the Tacoma email is somehow related to Seattle admission, why didn’t Bothell campus send an email too? I can’t imagine UW Seattle is sharing only rejected candidate info with other campuses but what do I know.


There are folks who didn’t check the option and got the email too.


There is absolutely no way my daughter would have checked that box but it says she did. She is in state and got the email.

Bothell probably has satisfactory enrollment numbers - just a guess.

I’ve seen 3 instances so far: UNH (Manchester), UMass (Dartmouth), Georgia Tech - don’ my recall which campus.

So odd. I confirmed that my child selected “no” to hearing from other campuses. (OOS, so UW is reach anyway.) To edit: he didn’t receive anything from other campuses.

So, for the sake of the next year applicants who study this thread, those of us whose kids received the Tacoma email should make sure to report the results on the thread and mention the Tacoma email. My son did check that he wanted to hear from other campuses and we did receive this email. Will report later what the decision was from Seattle campus.

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Totally agree!

Weird. My son hasn’t received an email. We’re OOS and he said he wasn’t interested in other campuses. I’m having him double check.


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Architecture, with Real Estate second choice

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We are OOS. Just checked with two friends whose kids are S23’s classmates, very high stats kids, who also received the email. All three applied to psychology, which isn’t a restricted major. I really really don’t think the Tacoma email is a harbinger of rejection.


Our mission today:

Someone here needs to find:

In State kid

Very high stats

Non restricted major

Did not check box

BUT GOT THE EMAIL :grinning:

OOS student
High stats, applied to competitive major, did not check the box but got the email

I don’t know if my D received the e mail. Clicks all the boxes other than would not say she is “high stats” by cc definition.

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For a mostly test blind school like UW, I think it can be difficult to say for sure that a student is “very high stats,” since the only hard stat is GPA and that can vary so much by HS.

I would just try to stop worrying! We will all know soon enough! :heart: :four_leaf_clover:


I agree w/ difficulty nailing down “high stats”, but if an applicant has say a 4.0 (unweighted) and 8+ AP’s their chances of being rejected by UW seem pretty low. So, those discussing this topic would likely be curious if anyone in/near that range received a Tacoma letter.

But I agree we’ll all know soon enough! Days not weeks now.

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