University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

I think you might be confusing total COA with tuition? COA for OOS is pretty similar at these two institutions (I think UW comes in as just a little more expensive, but it might be different for 2023 vs 2022).

UW OOS COA: Cost of attendance | Office of Admissions

CU Boulder OOS COA: Cost Estimates for New and Prospective Students | Bursar's Office | University of Colorado Boulder

Hmmm are you sure the $67k doesn’t include room and board at Boulder? I was thinking the two schools were close in price with UW being a bit cheaper.

Both are very expensive though OOS and little to no merit!

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My daughter applied to mainly OOS flagships and only one has come below $40k with Merit (URI). And Bing if you consider that a flagship haha - that’s an inside SUNY joke!

(Also need to add that she applied only to cold weather schools - nothing in the south where prices are better)


Oh yeah, you’re right! I conflated COA and tuition.

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Email from UW Bothell now


Daughter got it. Mainly curious to see if anyone did NOT get it. Like I said before I am nearly 99% sure daughter did not check the other campuses box - we are local and there is absolutely no way no how she would go to either branch campus (not because they aren’t good - just that she wants the full flagship experience and can get it elsewhere.)

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I guess it’s possible they sent out these branch campus emails to most everyone because they know decisions are coming out and want to catch the folks who get denied from Seattle. Not necessarily that they KNOW who’s getting denied Seattle.


The Branch campuses’ deadlines are surely scheduled after UW-Seattle’s announcement for good reason. And of course they are less competitive.

Same with WSU and the directional schools now that I think on it. For cost alone they start looking much better.

we got exactly same email

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I applied to UW Seattle and did not receive an email from Tacoma and Bothell, but I know people who have received it. I did say no to having them send me information however. However if the claims of people receiving the email even though they said no is true, this makes me hopeful.

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Don’t sweat it too much if you get rejected. UW Bothell is a great alternative if they offer your major there. You’ll get the same degree and job in the end!


I suspect they know who is rejected already and sent out these emails to those students. Still could be a false correlation. We will see.

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I forgot to mention, I am local and have very high stats.


This is false. Students from Eastside schools are at the greatest disadvantage due to high demand from these districts. The majority of applicants in competitive majors come from these schools and they want to provide an equal distribution of admits to other districts in the area. Your chances are hit and miss if you come from one of these schools for say, computer science, even with “high stats.” There is lots of anecdotal evidence for this practice by UW.


Attaining a college-preparatory education despite socio-economic disadvantage (Washington state residents only)

This is part of UW’s holistic review. Even though they don’t say so, coming from a socioeconomically disadvantage school district is a big advantage. There are school quotas.

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OUCH, but it is out of state

Hey, I think the Tacoma/Bothell emails are irrelevant. Everyone who received the email 100% checked the box. If they claim they didn’t, they’re likely thinking of the wrong thing. Look at your Common App submission or your Apply Web submission PDF to see if you checked the box.

“You indicated on your admissions application to UW Seattle that you were interested in learning more about other UW campuses.”

This makes it pretty clear that they are reaching out to students who ticked the box, and who may be interested in other UW campuses should a rejection from Seattle arrive this week. Doesn’t mean a rejection is coming.

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Also, as a communications professional, this tells me that they are aware of how the Tacoma emails were received and made their subject line and messaging very, very clear, shutting down folks’ attempts to read the tea leaves about WHAT DOES IT ALL MEANNNNNNNNN


D23 saying classmates are getting their decisions and posting online. Anyone else? Weird they said decisions were coming out 9-15.

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