University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

He got in Perdue and UMD for CS but UW was one of his top choices.

It seems UW has lots of restriction on course that you can take, not very clear on what demonstrated interested would look like.

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Found it. She did get a scholarship. Thanks.


I would say better to join colleges which have given direct admission to CS. Purdue is a good choice.

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:100: Purdue is a great school and there is no way I would choose UW where there is near zero chance of getting CS since its been direct admit ONLY.


Both Purdue and Maryland have very strong CS programs. He should choose one of those based on other factors: location, climate, coop/internship possibilities, vibe, etc. Has he visited both of those? Does he have a preference?

Both UMD and Purdue have great CS programs. UMD is rising because their AI program is better. Purdue is famous for its engineering majors. You won’t miss anything by choosing either of them.

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has anyone received their acceptance packages yet?

In the mail, you mean?

My S23 has not but we live on the East Coast, so it might take a few more days.

yup, in the mail. i haven’t gotten mine either but i’m west coast in california

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Got into Honors!

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Congratulations! Just a quick question for those who have received their honors decisions - does your application status page also reflect the decision or was it only contained in the email?

My son was not admitted to Honors. He received an email with the denial, but there is nothing in the portal (it still just says “You requested consideration for entrance to the Honors Program”).

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Thanks. We haven’t seen an email yet, so just curious if there was another way to check the determination.

My son’s Honors decision email was received on Tuesday 3/21 and the subject line is “UW Honors Admissions Letter” so you can check for it in spam or other email folders. Not sure if they were all supposed to be sent out around the same time.

I don’t believe so. I think they were rolling last year too.

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I think they offer honors to between 1000-2000 students, but only 225 actually accept this offer.

Hi, may I know what college your son finally decided on?

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They were rolling last year. One of my friends and I got our acceptances letters ~3 days apart from each other.

He is still waiting to hear the last decision before he can make up his mind. :thinking:

My WA state daughter got into USC and Northwestern, among other schools (UC Irvine, etc.). While she got accepted to UW, she did not get direct admit to Fosters, which makes it a real risk for her to attend if she wants to pursue business. It doesn’t make sense to me how they make these decisions. The process is cray cray!