University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

I got rejected (and one waitlist from an 8% school) from everywhere except my safeties and the UW CS program. I got all my letters by today. :smiling_face_with_tear: Fortunately for me UW CS was my top pick. If I didnā€™t get into UW CS Iā€™d be really disappointed because I would have had really good stats for no reason.

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Well, hopefully you learned something along the way? There are reasons/positives from great high school academic performance that have nothing to do with college.
Best of luck at UW!


The same goes for the UW though, and I got in. Iā€™m not quite sure what the colleges want at this point. Although, every college I applied to (from when I researched had a 10-20% acceptance rate) dropped down to below 5% this year which is quite insane. I also applied for CS which Iā€™m sure helped


The one I got waitlisted for with an 8% (based on the numbers in their waitlist letter) had a 33% acceptance rate when I researched.

My friends with far better extracurriculars (but probably weaker essays?) got rejected from every top college as well but also UW CS, Business, engineering. The admissions this year were insane honestly. I know lots of things I couldā€™ve changed about myself but its too late anyways- and worked out at least for me.

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I also understand there are reasons for great academic performance having nothing to do with college, but I donā€™t understand why we should be so stressed in high school to get into a good college. Also just saying having low academic performance wonā€™t get you into college. Itā€™s even worse. Very few top schools have the guts to admit that almost everyone they admit have high GPAs and academic performance. USC did and I respect that. There is just another holistic layer on top that makes it extremely painful for students due to the competition. The emergence of Common App now just made it even worse as people can ā€œspamā€ apply anywhere they want with no consequences. Also there are tons of tips online on how to make your application ā€œstand outā€ which makes it even more difficult for everybody now. I promise you most people getting in either lied about their application or just worded things the best.

EDIT: Also most public high schools are a huge offender for grade inflation. I hate it so much! It makes my actually strong academic performance seem like nothing compared to the students who just does the bare minimum.

Rejected from UW Honors college this morning (3/27)

Anyone here got waitlisted for UW Seattle CS, got prescience, Got into UCI and Purdue CS direct admit. Which one are you choosing over another and why ?

My son is still waiting to hear from the Honors College. Just curious: did you get an email saying to look in your portal for a decision?

I know the UW says applicants will be hearing anytime until April 15, but it seems the decisions have been dribbling out very slowly.

Email ā€“ nothing on portal


I spoke to several parents/students from UW, and most are of the opinion that if you are clear about your major and did not get a direct admit into CS at UW, go wherever you got it. Moving from Pre-science to CS is near impossible and very stressful.

Evaluate the ones you have over the parameters - finances, weather, minimum GPA required to confirm your major, urban/rural setting, typical class sizes, internship and co-op opportunities, housing (dorm and off campus - rents, commute etc), campus, sports, social lifeā€¦

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Yes will not join UW for pre sciences. Debating between Purdue and UCI

Purdue sounds cool, but UCI has better proximity. Sounds like a hard debate

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Has anyone received their acceptance packet in the mail?

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Yes, we just received it yesterday. We are OOS in California.

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Oh you just received it today? Was it just a bigger envelope or a package? What did they include if I may ask?

It was just a bigger envelope that included the acceptance letter, a promotional/informational brochure, and stickers. Nothing too exciting. : )

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Disappointing IMO. Acceptance letter folded in half with some stickers and promo pamphlet. Could have easily mistaken for junk mail

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Still did not receiveā€¦in-state

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Visit Purdue. Itā€™s a great school and kids are happy there. Two direct flights per day into Indy. Indy is an easy airport. Cost will be higher in travel but cost to Purdue has to be less than to California UC. Purdue is a college town. Iā€™m from Indiana. 50 percent of kids at Purdue are from out of state and the college has a big focus on its engineering. It was the first college CS program. Recruitment is world wide. I donā€™t think of CS when I think of Irvine but maybe we didnā€™t look at it due to cost. Off campus housing will be much cheaper at Purdue. I have heard that Irvine has less going on socially on campus. My son was direct admit CS at UW. He really didnā€™t think he would get in and was thrilled when he got accepted to Purdue. But when he got the UW admittance, it made sense to stay local. Purdue has a beautiful rec facility. Big 10 sports are really fun. Lots of school spirit at purdue.

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