University of Washington Class of 2027 Official Thread

I could look into it a little more, but from what I’ve seen it’s pretty difficult to transfer in from another 4-year university in or out of state. The best shot is from an in-state community college. Likely b/c big state Universities would have a goal to help these cc students finish their degrees (and benefit the region) and they can’t do that w/o a transfer. I think it’s about 70% acceptance rate from in-state cc’s (many of these students likely have an associates degree). Much tougher to go to WWU for example to start, then try to transfer into UW as far as I can tell. I know it’s possible and happens, but the acceptance rates look much lower.

That is what I thought but didn’t really know.

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They may break it out in more detail somewhere else, but this is on the admissions site.

We are visiting UMass next week, and have plane tickets to Seattle for March 12-14 on the assumption that we will have heard something from UW. I would really like for S23 to make a decision by the end of March (we are waiting on decisions from UW, Trinity, and Texas A&M), but I’ve heard through the senior parent grapevine that our school college counselor is encouraging all the kids to wait until May 1 to make their commitments. I think because she wants to make a big deal of the kids accepting their offers on the day and have a big community 'do about it, but I want to get those housing applications in ASAP!!!

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I get it, and best of luck to your son on all of those decisions- a big March ahead for so many! Winter quarter finals week is 3/13-17 at UW just fyi. I don’t think it will negatively impact your visit, but just a heads-up. Fewer classes, more library time.

As far as the UW on-campus housing goes it just wasn’t an issue, but I understand wanting to jump on it. Make sure to respond by the May priority housing deadline (last year 5/10) and it was all a pretty structured and smooth process from there. Many of the dorms are new and gorgeous (well, as far as dorms go anyway), and my D22 loves living on-campus. My S23 plans to live on-campus too if he’s accepted there.

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Lots of snow expected so should be beautiful at UMass! They had a snow day today, unexpectedly. It’s a great school; enjoy your visit!

Are only freshmen guaranteed housing or is it not a problem for sophs if they wanted to still stay on campus? Any ones you recommend that are best for freshmen? Thanks! This wait for school decisions is torturous!

Hopefully you will get the decision before your visit!


Sorry, wish I could give you better info. My nephew that attends and lives in a frat.
My D has a few friends that are freshman and housing seems to be ok for them on campus. My D is waiting to have a decision, narrow things down then maybe visit her top couple schools.

My D22 said a lot of the freshmen ended up in McCarty Hall, a new building on north campus. Great spot. Madrona, Oak, and Willow Halls are also new and all in that same area. Maybe I’ll have my D help me post something w/ more details after decisions are out in March. Here’s good link that shows photos of the various residence halls on-campus and has other helpful info and links.


Any idea what’s the average OOS enrolment?

no worries! fingers crossed for your daughter soon as well!!

thank you! its always nice to have an insider’s perspective. thanks too for the link!

Fairly low, roughly 16%.

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I think a lot of the big state schools have 60-75% in-state. 2022 UW freshman class had roughly 4,500 in-state enrolled, and 3,000 OOS + int’l (combined) enrolled. So, ~60% in-state. I was curious and looked at another big state school, UCLA, and it looks like they’re closer to 70% in-state freshmen enrollment. So maybe pretty typical of the bigger west coast schools anyway.

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Anyone waiting for UW Seattle decision is considering Seattle U as a back up ? We are OOS so probably low chance of getting into UW CS, but we have received offer for Seattle U with decent scholarship, although still expensive. Just wondering how credible is the Seattle U CS Program vs other schools in the Washington area.
I have seen good review in Redit with the student faculty interaction and ratio; but the school rank overall is on the lower end.

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WWU is definitely a different vibe, suggest spending time on campus and vacinity before committing. Of course this is a good idea for any campus.

If you are OOS and want big University college/athletics experience (like UW) plus CS/CE program, I would skip Seattle U. If I’m paying expensive OOS dollars, I would want more than Seattle U.

UMDCP/OhioState/Purdue will be a better fit assuming UCs, UIUC, UTAustin, GeorgiaTech, UMich & UWMadison are as hard to come by as UW Seattle. Rice, UMass-Amherst, VirginiaTech, Northeastern would be my other suggestions if you are just looking at programs not a full Big10 college experience.

Thing I read said 16%. But, you might have read something more comprehensive.

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Fall 2022 Enrollment:
73% In-State,
15% OOS,
11% Foreign.
Fast Facts | Office of Planning & Budgeting (