University of Wisc Bush leaugue

Of all the applications and replies from school UW has been worst. Reflects very poorly on the school thank god my child soured on it previously but I pity the kids waiting on this third rate institution

@Rustythekid my daughter was also very stressed over the last 3 months waiting for UW admittance decision (which she received Friday night). Purdue, MN, Indiana, Michigan all appear to have already released OOS decisions. It would have been nice to have heard from UW earlier, especially considering some scholarship deadlines are Feb 1.

HOWEVER, UW is ranked 41st overall, 14th in engineering, has the 3rd highest R&D expenditures of any US college (Johns Hopkins #1 & Michigan #2), and is often listed among the “Public Ivies”. I may not be totally thrilled with the notification process but I would hardly call UW 3rd rate

And will slip fast under this administration

Why are you complaining about this now and not when you first started applying? They have said that we will be notified by the end of January. There is nothing ridiculous about this.

Well I hope people object to your description of Madison. I complain about a school rated about 50 slots below Madison by US News and people act like I’ve committed heresy. I happen to think Madison is a pretty amazing campus.

You can voice any opinion you want, and we can pity you as well. That does not change facts. No person/place institution is perfect. The application process is isolated from the rest of the school. I hope your child is satisfied with their academic experience at the school they attend. You have left one more place for someone who wants UW, assuming your child would have been admitted.

btw- I’m sure it is very easy to get into those for profit schools. Ease of application and quality of education are two separate matters.

No need for pity. With tonight’s acceptance, my son will have his choice of Purdue, UofM, and UW from the big ten and Alabama and TAMU with full tuition scholarships. Life is very good! Now, to make a decision.

Is there there really a decision? May be the first person to apply to Michigan and Alabama as non athlete. How do you mention them in same sentence and say choices to be made???

@Rustythekid based upon the overwhelming number of posts, UW did meet “the end of January” notification date listed on their admissions website. Some students mentioned that they had not yet received an email but that the decision was on the “Student Center” of their myUW account. A few mentioned they were rejected. Several said they were postponed. Numerous states mentioned. Some International students as well.

For my daughter it was more the stress of having friends get into their college of choice and knowing that UW was releasing some decisions as early as Thanksgiving. It really wasn’t anything that UW did wrong. It’s better than a friend of hers who will not know until April 1 if she got into one small liberal arts college in Washington state (I forget name)

This is assuming the decision to which you refer is UW admittance decisions and not @MIBadger deciding between full tuition scholarships and attending arguably higher ranked schools.Michigan by the way is the 3rd highest ranked public school in the country behind UC Berkeley and Virginia.

Rusty the kid,

M badger does have a legit decision. While Alabama and TAMU are not quite as highly rated, Alabama offers a full ride scholarship, and a good honors college. If one is thinking about grad school, it is a viable choice. Last year the kid who got accepted to all 7 ivy’s, chose Alabama. Ratings don’t outweigh money.

And one more time – UW does not have an Early Action program. There are two notification cycles, with Jan 31 being the date by which students with completed apps submitted by the first deadline – would get an admission decision. UW does not claim to have a first in, first out, rolling admission or anything else. It is a date by which students will hear. And looking at the hundreds of posts reporting student decisions here on CC, UW did so.

As a parent of a UW student, we have only been impressed at the level of organization and attention to detail, from admitted students days, to SOAR (summer registration), student move-in and all the way through my son’s experience. The faculty are superb, the resources phenomenal, and even for an OOS student, the cost a bargain compared to full pay at a private.

Well Rusty, as a NMFist, my son gets 5 years tuition and 6000 per year in stipends from UofA COE. If he decides to go UofA, he would likely end up with a BSE and MBA (STEM program) in 5 years. I will give him the $100,000 that I had budgeted for instate costs at UofM. Hmm…Good luck with your decisions!

Of the 5 schools I applied to, Madison has definitely been the worst in terms of communication. I received mixed answers to a few questions I had asked through email and on a tour about their admissions process.

I was postponed and their “directions” about updating grades have been very vague and misleading. First I was told instructions would be emailed to me, then it said they would come in January, and now my portal says I will get an email in February. I’ve heard from some classmates theirs haven’t even updated yet. Not impressed with the way Madison handles things…

@Rustythekid My D took the 1/31 deadline at face value and waited for the decision, this was her dream school and she had already been admitted to four other schools, including Purdue College of Engineering. On 1/31, she was accepted into UW, with direct admission to the College of Engineering. The chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Department (her intended major) called her last night to congratulate her and offer any information or resources. No other school has done that. IMO UW kept their promise with the decision by the deadline and followed up with excellent communication.

@rustythekid It’s spelled L-e-a-g-u-e

Guess Rustythekid’s kid got rejected ….

…from too many typos, perhaps.

@Rustythekid: I have visited UW-Madison during one summer, and i gotta tell you, its a wonderful campus, and its Engineering labs are futuristic… However about ur complaint that “Of all the applications and replies from school UW has been worst.”, that is true for all good schools. They simply hav to deal with too many emails everyday.It aint their fault. I for once had sent an email to Cornell regarding some questions on the Admissions process. By the time they replied, the EA deadline had passed. One shoudn’t judge a school only by how active its Admissions is…

Ditto the above. I would be suspicious of a school that was too eager to get my child. That could mean they are trying hard to upgrade their student body. UW is a public school with a set budget for Admissions- they don’t automatically hire more staff et al when there is a surge in interest. Remember- once you’re in that office has nothing to do with anything.