University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

We just booked our tickets for a visit at the end of February. I’m praying the weather cooperates!


@vamom7 remind me where in VA you are from? We are in Loudoun Co

We’re also in NOVA

So S emailed Wisconsin regarding the direct admit waitlist. This is the response he got:

Essentially, the direct-admit waitlist means that you have selected Business as your first choice major and have been admitted to UW-Madison. At this time, you have not been admitted to the Business school. However, you have been put in a pool to be reviewed again for admittance into the Business school.

Not exactly the most useful, but it’s an answer…


Did they comment on when we would be notified?

Thanks, that’s what we suspected. Glad they finally responded to your S. My D tried to call but said a recording announced they were not taking calls from the public. She self-reported her grades a few days ago even though her counselor automatically sent an updated transcript in December.

I wonder if we have to wait for business school direct admits to decline their spot at UWM? So much waiting this year.

I looked at an old string on here from 2019 and it would appear that kids get notified in mid-late April that they have become direct admit off the waitlist. So not ideal, but at least before the deposit deadline.

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Do you know if every kid who applied direct admit and didn’t get in, gets put on the waitlist?

No idea, but we got an email a couple weeks ago asking to update midterm grades for the direct admit waitlist. So I guess if there are ppl who didn’t get that, they may not be on it.

I think everyone who is deferred or still has no admission decision is asked to provide update on grades, at least it was that way for the several years of admissions cycles I watched.

The crew talking about this subject have all been admitted EA to Pre Business, but were asked to update grades to be considered for direct admit to Business.

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My bad, that’s what I get for popping in irregularly and not following the full conversation!

I think we’ve all been guilty of that once or twice on these crazy forums :smile:


Does Wisconsin offer scholarships to business school Direct admit Freshmen?

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Yes, they seem to. I came here to ask if anyone had heard when these were coming out because they are meant to be out by the end of this month.

@richoux hopefully we will hear soon. I was happy to get directly admitted, but merit will help!

Hi everyone! I applied to UW-Madison EA and was deferred. I applied into CALS for Global Health. Can someone chance me…

  • Out of state, IL
  • Test Optional
  • 3.6 WeightedGPA (low due to extenuating circumstances mentioned in my app)
  • Midyear report is straight A’s
  • Several relevant & valuable leadership positions
  • lots of additional community service, internships
  • strong letters of rec from teachers that know me very well
  • strong essays (atleast im pretty confident…)
  • have sent in a LOCI as well

If anyone knows how likely I am to get in please let me know:)

Hey guys! I am proud to say that I am a direct-admit to both the Wisconsin School of Business and IU Kelley. Where does Wisc Buis fall in comparison to Kelley? Is one better than the other? Although they’re neck and neck, I will most likely attend the better business school. Please let me know, I am honestly torn! Thanks all!

There are a ton of threads about this exact question - so many kids in exact same boat. There are a million things to consider but both are great business schools. I tend to think Wisconsin has a more national reputation as a school overall but Kelley business school is probably ranked higher in terms of strict business.

Thank you! Honestly, I’m leaning towards Wisco!