University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

So… Monday ?

I think a lot of people are checking so it freezes up now and then.

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Ours was doing the same a few hours ago but is now working.

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It seems like the decision date is Jan. 31, so I hid a few replies that said they had decisions already. Maybe some people heard early . . . but they ought to respect the feelings of others. No need to rub it in. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Also, good luck to everyone! When you do get a decision, I’ve created a poll.


Why are you still in the chat if people waiting to hear if you already got your decision? Give your kid a hug and go to bed.

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This might be a dumb question but where would it say the decision in the portal? Do I click on ‘Admissions’ once I’m in student center?

I asked people who got it in december. It will show up in messages

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Messages or “notifications”?

notification center, i’m sorry

OOS Illinois. Nothing here in Notification Center.

What time are we thinking for tomorrow or Sunday?

IL OOS, nothing for my son or his friend on the portal.

What do you mean you’ve heard back? Didn’t you say it’s your daughter? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m been following this chat and I wanted to share that, although MN applicants got devious back quickly, they almost were all deferred except for the few candidates that were so obviously at the top that regardless of how many regular applications come in, they would be accepted. Our private school counselor called the UW admissions representative for our region and he was told that early action applicants were up by 8%. UW was not prepared for that large jump and they had no idea whether applications for regular admissions would also by up by that amount or if students just applied earlier than they normally do. Therefore, for states that have a lot of students applying (for example, MN), they accepted the very top, declined the obvious lows and deferred everyone else. The admissions director said that they may have not even looked at essays, letters of rec, or other things in the deferred pile yet.

I know a lot of kids that applied in MN, including my two daughters, and everyone one of them got deferred. We only personally know of 4 kids that got accepted from MN during early action and if those 4, 3 had perfect ACT scores (with high GPA’s to match) and 1 had a perfect transcript with heavy AP and honors classes. Obviously, kids who weren’t going to have a problem getting admitted. Unfortunately, my girls have strong numbers but not perfect ACT scores or perfect GPA’s.

I say this only because if it’s taking this long for them to release a decision, they must actually be evaluating your entire application. And that is a good thing.

Most MN applicants got their deferred decision early so they knew they’d have to wait until March to get a real answer. Meanwhile, my girls have gotten accepted into all the other Big 10 and SEC schools they applied to with merit scholarships and honors college awards/acceptances already communicated. They both are starting to mentally move on already. As a UW alumni, I just can’t believe that UW can’t process applications as efficiently as many other schools that also get a ton of applications.

Good luck to all of you!!


Thanks for that. I agree and have said it all along, I would rather wait if it means they’re really looking at the applications more carefully. Also isn’t wisco known to be very “deferral happy”, even under normal circumstances? I’m OOS but most ppl I know who have applied there in the past were deferred then accepted.

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I know for MN applicants, it is standard for lots of deferrals because they have an unofficial rule about limiting the freshman class to about 10% of MN applicants…because our students count towards their residency requirements (of having to admit a certain number of WI graduates per legislative rules) but, because of reciprocity, MN students don’t pay the large out of state tuition so they are far less attractive to the school than other out of state applicants. We know several current UW students that were deferred during early action, waitlisted in March and then finally accepted in April. Frankly, my girls have gotten really good offers from other schools and I don’t think I could convince them to wait for an answer until April. It breaks my Badger heart😢

In our household, we decided to wait for March and if waitlisted, move on.

i don’t understand how decisions haven’t come out. does anyone know when they will?

Nobody knows for sure, and if anyone says they do, they are just guessing. The admissions office continues to say that all decisions will be out by 1/31, so sometime between now and tomorrow night.

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thank youuu

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