University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2015 Transfer thread

Did anybody try to sign up for housing yet?

I believe that there is a wait list for contracts through the UW now.

It still says I am not eligible to attempt to sign up for a contract

I’m looking for a potential room mate still. I’m a 19 year old guy. Majoring in finance and intentional business.

I would be interested! I’m 19 Bio major. My name is Jimmy Nelson with a black and white facebok picture, message me!

Did anybody get their final official transcript processed yet?

If you are talking about the credit transfer evaluation then no…still waiting.

I mean did they clear the hold on your account from submitting final transcript

No. I didn’t submit final transcript yet, but I say that there was a hold on my account. I get why they wanted us to self-report our grades, but I find it weird that they did ask for the transcript to go along with it. I think it would have been a faster process.

are any of you going to try to sign up to live in the dorms? It still says I have not been approved to even try to sign up…

@hallelujah I am trying to sign up for a dorm, but I can’t sign up either. I called yesterday and they said that you will get a dorm whether it would be in the next five minutes or the next few weeks. I hope that it’s soon though.


so we’re all signed up for SOAR in August… just seems so unlikely that they will have any spots left in upper level classes to sign up for

It usually is not a problem for those. One reason to limit the freshman numbers is that most of them are taking the intro courses and a reason they let you transfer is because there is room in major specific courses.

I want to re-apply in August, can someone please give me some tips? Thank you