University of Wisconsin-Madison transfer 2017

Hello! It’s pretty early to be applying to UW-madison for next fall, but when I visited, an admissions counselor told me to apply as soon as possible. I submitted my application using the common app and I sent in HS and college transcripts! I’m waiting to send in my midterm report and my grades after this semester is finished. I just want to know what my chances are?

GPA: 3.75
Credits: Currently 34 completed, but will have 64 by the time I transfer.
I’m a sociology major so I am taking a lot of social science courses, however, I do have literature, math, english, and physical/life science classes in the mix as well! I heard UW-Madison wants to see this.
I have academic honors and I am also taking honors classes at my current college, which means I will graduate from my two year college with an honors degree.

I had one job my freshman year which took up a lot of time when I wasn’t in school. This past summer I had two jobs AND I was taking two summer courses.
I am a Phi Theta Kappa Officer (specifically our new food pantry’s coordinator). It’s a pretty significant leadership position (at least for my school!).
I currently have a job as a peer reading, writing and speech tutor.

I also am currently enrolled in 5 classes, so 16 credits.

I am so scared that I won’t get accepted to UW-Madison…it honestly is my dream school and I have tried my butt off in school in order to hopefully get accepted! Chance me?

Relax. It sounds like you should do well. Enjoy this school year.

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