Unmarked Envolopes

<p>I've noticed that two letters (one to me, one to my parents) were sent to my house since my accepetence in unmarked envolopes. Does anyone here have any idea why that would be? It's really strange. The envolopes are in standard Geneseo color but lack any return address.</p>

<p>Yeah, I got one from the department I said I wanted to major in, and then one to my parents too. They probably just went to Staples or something and picked up stationary. haha</p>

<p>My daughter received both letters and I also made note of the generic letterheads. </p>

<p>Based on many years in the marketing/advertising field, I pointed out to her . . .<br>
A generic letterhead is an effective way to show warmth and informality to convey a message. At this point you've received dozens of mailings with the Geneso letterhead. Now that you are an accepted student, the hard sell approach has been replaced by the soft sell to get you to make a committment.</p>

<p>I recieved two unmarked letters as well</p>

<p>Yup, one was from the department that you were going to major in and the other was a letter to the parents describing Geneseos history and credentials.Nice letter to the parents- Only one other school my son has applied to has sent a letter to us-a nice touch I would say!!</p>