April 9, 2007, 6:24pm
<p>what's more impt. to stanford? unweighted gpa or weighted? <a href=""></a></p >
<p>i ask this question bc. the article from the link above says 75% had g.p.a of 4.0 or above.</p>
<p>I believe they will unweight your GPA in the process of recalculating it. So, whether or not you GPA is weighted or not doesn't matter: chances are, it will be different from the GPA they assign you. But then again, I might be wrong.</p>
<p>They use your unweighted GPA in your core academic subjects- math, english and the like.</p>
April 10, 2007, 7:17pm
<p>ok, so how is it possible for over 75% to have a 4.0 or above unweighted gpa?</p>
<p>I think that's unweighted they're talking about.</p>
<p>they mean they weight it but only on core subjects and on there own fixed weighting scale.
-they throw out classes like health</p>