UofC gpa

<p>Hi all, I would like someone to tell me how UofC calculates GPA for admissions...i.e. Do they only do ceartain years of high school do they count gym, etc. Thanks all</p>

<p>This is the type of question you may want to ask Libby in her thread. One point though from her previous posts is that U of C does not put at a lot of weight on GPA per se. It matters more how challenging were the courses one attempted and how one did in them.</p>

<p>I emailed this exact question to Libby several months ago. She said they do not recalculate the GPA. I also asked specifically about college course grades. Grades from college classes are not incorporated into the HS GPA.</p>

<p>Grades from college courses can be incorporated into HS GPA. I live in Minnesota and we have this program that allows us to dual-enroll in college during our junior and senior years. All the classes that I've taken at the college are on my high school transcript and are included in my HS GPA. It really depends on how your school does it.</p>

<p>dyserenity, you are absolutely correct - it depends on the HS. </p>

<p>My son's HS does not incorporate any grades from courses taken outside the HS, into the student's GPA. Next year, he will have to take a math class at a nearby college to fulfill his HS math requirement. Even in that case, from what I understand, the HS will not use the honor points earned from that college class to calculate the HS GPA.</p>

<p>As far as U of C is concerned, they do not recalibrate the GPA in any way. Other colleges do this. Some do not look at the freshman GPA. Some will recalculate the GPA based on the honor points earned in core classes (math, science, English, etc) only.</p>

<p>One of the reasons my son likes U of C - they don't play games :-)</p>