
<p>hi all,</p>

<p>for those who have been keeping track of me, i will not be attending UA next year. it turns out i will likely receive more financial support if i go to UCSB than if i go to UA. i really wanted to go to UA anyways, and i ended up sending the email to cancel the housing contract on may 30. </p>

<p>it was a very painful decision. in the end, i decided to take the more financially sensible path and go with UCSB. i will certainly miss the kindness that everyone at UA and here on this forum have shown me.</p>

<p>anyways im looking forward to UCSB. they are definitely a lot more impersonal than bama, but i hope its higher research activity will lead to good opportunities for me. im not gonna live on campus, but i will try to get involved as much as i can.</p>

<p>i hope things are going well with you guys. your university is getting better and better, and its generosity is pretty amazing. i will keep reading this forum occasionally…and who knows, maybe ill start posting frequently here again when it comes time for grad school applications :)</p>

<p>most sincerely

<p>Best of luck to you</p>

<p>Best of luck to you. :)</p>

<p>Come by every once in awhile and tell us how you’re doing. :)</p>

<p>I’m sorry to hear this Siglio, but making the right financial decision is really important. I’m sure you’ll do really well at UCSB and you have all our best thoughts. Please drop by and let us know how things are going. Take Care!</p>

<p>Best of luck at UCSB. I’m sure you’ll do excellent there.</p>

<p>Note: This does not prevent you from becoming an Alabama Football fan. :)</p>

<p>Roll Tide/Something about Gauchos!</p>

<p>Congratulations on your decision, I am sure that you following the path that is right for you!</p>

<p>Come by and visit!!</p>

<p>Here’s a Roll Tide for the road!</p>

<p>Good luck to you, Siglio.</p>

<p>We will miss your enthusiasm. Like the others said, stop by and tell us how you are doing. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Good luck. I’ll be cursing you under my breath when it’s 5 below here in January :-)</p>

<p>Sig: you are breaking my heart! i thought we had you all sewn up!! i now know how coach saban feels when he loses an athlete he thought was going to sign with the TIDE! UCSB will now forever be known to me as the “Groucho’s”. best of luck to you. UCSB gain is 'Bama’s loss. </p>

<p>NJ: what are you doing up at 3:12am? aren’t we 'Bama grads supposed to set a positive role model example? i better get some sleep, just got in.</p>

<p>Wow. I love Santa Barbara. I love me some Alabama, but I would have a hard time turning down time in SB! One of the places where the California dream is still alive it seems.<br>
Good luck and come back to campus down the road.</p>

<p>Congratulations, siglio, on your award from UCSB! Wishing you best of luck. Can’t blame you. I would be hard pressed to turn down the Pacific for the beautiful hills of Alabama. Keep us posted on how you’re doing, and make sure to watch Bama football on TV whenever you can! Best wishes and take care of yourself! Montegut</p>

<p>Congrats and best wishes, siglio!!</p>