<p>Hey everyone! I was hoping I could have some people critique my essay(s) for my ED CommonApp to UPenn. I have been lurking around the forums for the past couple of weeks sending emails and PM's to those who have seemed willing in the past, but the response back has been spotty. Now I completely understand people are busy and such so I figured I just start my own thread and ask people who are available to at the current moment for some help. For my security, I would ask if only people with above 75 posts contact me or post in this thread. I hope this is understandable as UPenn is a very competitive school and I wouldn't want someone getting in with my hard work. Thanks so much and I hope to eventually critique essays in the future for others as well (Have to get that post count up a bit). </p>
<p>BTW: There are three essays involved - CommonApp about once in lifetime Summer experience, Required Penn essay about my future involvement in academic and social communities, and a rather interesting personal statement involving a "rising from nothing to something" kind of topic</p>
<p>Thanks so much! For future reference, I’d really appreciate if people PM the’r email addy’s so that I can send them word documents since making corrections via email will probably be a hassle. Appreciate all of the help, thanks CC’ers</p>
<p>Thanks so much! For future reference, I’d really appreciate if people PM their email addy’s so that I can send them word documents since making corrections via “PM”(last post was wrong and confusing) will probably be a hassle. Appreciate all of the help, thanks CC’ers</p>
<p><em>Couldn’t edit previous post, not sure why</em></p>
<p>Is there anyone that can help me? I have yet to have a single person reply back to me after sending them my essays. If there’s anyone online tonight that wouldn’t mind reading over even just one of my essays; I would really appreciate it.</p>