UR Class of 2026 Admissions

when/how do you know if you were a Richmond scholar finalist? does it say in ur decision letter?

Did Richmond give any numbers in terms of # applications, #ed, # acceptances etcā€¦?

Same here! Itā€™s kind of a miracle by now, but Iā€™m not throwing the towel until the announcement is postedā€¦ After that, if I donā€™t get the good news, Iā€™ll withdraw from consideration to make way for other peopleā€¦

14,000 ea applications but it doesnt say how many acceptances. for what itā€™s worth, last year the ea acceptance rate was 34%


Last year, they received about 14000 applications total, so this looks to be a big increase.

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Where did it say that you are a Richmond scholar?

Not a Richmond scholar; no Presidential scholarship

i didnā€™t get the richmond scholarship, i only got the presidential one. it said it in my acceptance letter, and they told semi finalists for the richmond scholarship in their acceptance letters

Should have also mentioned that DS22 is a national merit commended student, won a Scholastic writing award, his schoolā€™s history prize, and is a member of an honor society at his school. He is not a legacy at Richmond, and did not have time to visit. It does seem like many students with similar profiles are applying to the same schools and getting different results. That is a reason why these results should not be taken personally. Good luck to everyone! Fingers crossed that everyone whose first choice is Richmond is ultimately admitted!


Yesterday someone posted that the letter said there were 8200 Early Action applications.

It said 14,000 on our acceptance letter crazy amount of kids !

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No interview, but we visited campus prior to onset of pandemic and thought campus was lovely. We spoke to several students on campus and felt that they were working hard to maintain good grades, but overall happy with what the school offered as far as quality of teaching, counseling, class selection and cafeteria food options.

Yes. My DD received an additional letter informing her for the Richmond scholar at the same time.

Seems your child had a very demanding HS curriculum with that sort of UW GPA vs. WGPA. Not all schools choose to recognize the rigor (although they say they do) and often times they rather accept someone with a 4.7 GPA so their accepted student stats keep moving up every year. I could tell you based on your childā€™s worth ethic and leadership initiative he/she would succeed at any school. With an Economics major there are many good college options. There are excellent Economics professors at just about every school in the country. The school doesnā€™t make the person, the person makes the school.


what did it say? also did she get the presidential scholarship or just the Richmond scholar?

The letter tells you that you are one of 80 Richmond Scholar finalists and that you have received a Presidential Scholarship.

Thank you so much! Makes me feel so much better:)

Candidates for Richmond Scholar automatically get the Presidential scholarship. If selected as a Richmond Scholar, it will override the Pres. scholarship.

You can not help but read all of these posts and realize how crazy the system is. You can see where it is going if you look at Med School or the UK University system.

It will all be done on the blockchain and kids will rank their choices 1-10. On a day, the colleges will all submit their decisions and the chain will automatically match kids with schools. There will need to be a financial aid overlay which makes it slightly more complex but this all seems obvious. Current system is broken.

What is cool about this idea is you can imagine that the schools have a dial that they can the adjust. Depending on how many kids they ā€œmatchā€ on the first day, they can instantly adjust their dial and match more on day 2.

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