Urgent Biz Minor reg issue

<p>Did we misread the catalog? S was trying to sign up for MKT 300 as part of his biz minor & I swore the prereq was only Econ, but now it says he needs, both Econs, Cal, Stats (all the lower level biz prereqs) I thought that wasn’t needed for the minor. He can’t fit in those prereqs now. Wouldn’t his A&S advisor have known that.
He has 2 majors would he still need a minor? Great time to find out- Jr year.</p>

<p>Did your son start under the 2010 catalog? I don’t see a minor in Mkting listed? (even though the link title is the same…I linked 2 different pages)</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>But it does look like Micro Econ and Acctg are required (old 2010 reqt’s for any new students please look at the current catalog) for any Biz minor…</p>

<p>What are his 2 majors? I would be suprised if he doesn’t already have a math that would be acceptable to the B school…</p>

<p>I don’t know…I don’t have an A & S student but I wouldn’t think he would need the minor if he has a double major…</p>

<p>If he wants the Mkting minor I would have him contact the B school and talk to an advisor :)</p>

<p>He was trying to do a general biz minor as an A&S student. The marketing prereq was listed as EC 110 which has taken. The question is whether he needs to fill all the lower level biz classes that biz majors must take in order to take 300 level courses. He also has Stats credit.</p>

<p>Crisis averted, someone from the Biz school got right back to him(Roll tide) & gave him the over-ride he needed to register. We had read the catalog correctly. Stressful when you have a 7 am reg time & you have issues.</p>

<p>Did I say Roll Tide.</p>