<p>most of my college deadlines are jan 1st, and i just checked; no toefl's available till jan 10th. is there some way to send scores after the deadline? what do i do?</p>
<p>It’s not too tragic if the score reports are a few days late. However, if you take the TOEFL on Jan 10th, score reports won’t get to colleges until sometime in February. That will be fine for some colleges but too late for others. A good way to find out is to check if the college accepts January SAT scores. If they do, they should accept TOEFL scores as well. If they don’t, chances are your TOEFL scores will arrive too late as well.</p>
<p>I don’t know where you live, but sometimes people take the TOEFL in another country. That might be an option if you live in a small country or close to a border. But considering it’s already mid-December, I don’t know if you will be able to register for an earlier test date anywhere.</p>
<p>If nothing else works, just sign up for the TOEFL in January. Late scores are better than no scores at all.</p>
<p>well, i researched, and out of all my colleges, ohio wesleyan and wooster are the only ones who won’t waive the toefl. their deadlines are much later, plus they’re both my backups, so i’m not worried then. however, the toefl is expensive. i could ask school to give me a waiver, but wooster’s sight specifically says they’re not gonna waive it for anything.
so i was thinking, i should give it, but for only two schools? both of which are my backups?
can someone help me out?</p>
<p>If you’d taken SAT and got a good score, many colleges will waive toefl. Sylvan Prometric used to administer toefl to walk-ins. Call the test centers and ask.</p>