URGENT help for UC personal statement

<p>I would really like someone to read my personal statement so if you are interested, I'll PM it to you. I really need a lot of help with it. Please & thank you. </p>

<p>By the way, the prompt is:
Describe the world you come from -for example, your family, community or school -and tell us how your world has shaped your dreams and aspirations.</p>

<p>I’d love to read it.
People tell me I provide good and honest commentary.
Email me at: <a href="mailto:confusedcalcstudent@yahoo.com">confusedcalcstudent@yahoo.com</a></p>

<p>i PMed it to you. thank you so much for taking the time to read it !</p>

<p>Sure. PM me.</p>

<p>thankk you</p>

<p>i’d love to read it. pm me</p>

<p>thanks everyonee. I really need some constructive criticism.</p>

<p>sure, i’ll read it. pm me</p>

<p>Sure!! I would love to read your personal statement! I’m revising and editing my personal statement as well. Send yours over to me and I will provide you some good critiques…hehe</p>

<p>I can read it =]</p>