<p>I just wrote my second SAT to improve on my first score of 2160 (M-700 CR-720 W-740).
I got a score of 2020 on my second SAT attempt(M-680 CR-640 W-700)</p>
<p>I am an international student studying in the UAE in an Indian school and plan to write SAT2(Physics, Chemistry and Math level 2) and APs(Physics C: Mechanics, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism and Calculus AB)</p>
<p>Is there any chance at all for me to get into colleges like MIT, Stanford, Harvard, UCBerkeley, Virginia Tech, Georgia Tech, UPenn or colleges of similar stature?</p>
<p>Please help me out. I'm absolutely gutted after my second SAT result.</p>
<p>The link doesn’t really take me anywhere
<p>I do have extracurriculars and other achievements to show as well. Thanks a lot for the motivation! </p>
<p>But the thing is, I plan to do mechanical engineering, yet I made lots of careless mistakes in math.
And since math is essential for an engineer, can a good SAT2 score (in the region 750-800) potentially make up for a 700 in </p>
<p>You are correct that if you want to be an engineer you need to demonstrate great math scores. Do you have time to retake the sat? If so study hard and emphasize the math. If not keep your math grades/scores as high as possible. Look under each school’s admission website for average scores and gpa for each college. You will then know where you fall in the average for that school, either above or below. Good luck!</p>
<p>I’m doing alright in math at school though. I’m top of my class, but somehow I messed up in SAT both times :(</p>
<p>I’m in the 11th grade. What I suppose you would call Junior Year
But is it advisable to give SAT thrice? Or does that give a bad impression? :/</p>