<p>For Financial Aid, a college requires a signed copy of my parents 2007 federal tax return. Does that mean my parents have to resign a copy of their tax returns that has been signed before? Or can I just send them a photo copy of their tax return that was signed already when they sent out their tax return to the IRS. </p>
<p>They mean they want a photocopy of the already signed tax return.</p>
<p>Monday’s game Lakers vs. Cavs will be good…</p>
<p>Most FA Offices ask for a signed copy because the typical taxpayer’s copy of the return isn’t already signed. Federal regulations require an actual signature, and anyone who filed electronically (efile) didn’t get a copy with their signature on the form. Also, those who may have mailed in a paper copy don’t usually sign the copy they keep for their own records, they usually only sign the one being sent to the IRS.</p>
<p>If your parents signature is already on the copy they have, they do not need to resign the return. If, however, it contains anaything except their actual signature, they will need to sign it.</p>
<p>^^^^ That applies to us. We all file electronically. When we are verified we just copy off the return and sign it before sending it to the school.</p>