URGENT: Quick Question, Quick Reply Needed!

<p>Ok im enrolled in cs31, the final is this saturday and I am thinking about dropping it. I'm almost 100% confident that I'll be retaking it so im thinking if I drop it then It will not mess up my GPA. Can I still drop it, and how?</p>

<p>IF it is impacted, then the following does not apply. look at the course description on the registrar to find out.</p>

<p>if it is NOT impacted, you get a late drop petition from murphy, get your prof to sign it, and turn it in. you’re not allowed to drop a class if you’ve already taken the final. if you’re not in L&S i’m not sure how it differs.</p>

<p>lots of petitions… you won’t have enough time. go to the hsseas office and talk to a counselor now.</p>

<p>After 4th week engineers have to do petitions to drop any class. Go do your counselor like Deuces said but remember a petition won’t guarantee a drop. </p>

<p>Also remember you can retake up to 16 units of failed courses and not have the F’s affect your GPA though they will remain on your transcript.</p>